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My god there is so much to write about that I really don’t know where to start or what to write, about so I am going to have to decide this with a flip of a coin so I will be right back. Well it was tails and as the saying goes tails never fails, so today’s target is none other than everyone’s favorite tax cheat Tiny Tim (Turbotax) Geitner.

Geitner really is an easy target though, because he has all of the personality, charisma, and intelligence of a pet rock. There is also the fact that he knew about things like the AIG bonuses way before he said he did. There is even a rumor floating around that he was involved in some way with AIG before they even received their first bail out.

Of course I don’t promote rumors I just report the facts and you can decide for yourself. That is why we are going to address a couple of other things that Tiny Tim is up to that I can substantiate with facts today.

One of these things is the administration and Geitners attempt to gain authority over any business they deem a risk to the economy simply by saying they may be in jeopardy and the other is the new global currency plan he favors with China.

On the subject of Geitner gaining the authority to take over a major corporation based simply on the notion that they might be in financial trouble and could wreak havoc on the economy is simply not a good idea. If this law is passed it would mean that he could take any business he wanted to without any checks and balance system in place to make him prove his position with regard to the company.

He would be able to take over a business that is operating profitably, creating jobs, and stimulating the economy for the benefit of the government. This would give the government ownership control of the business and its profits. He would not even have to prove his position, which would put any business in the bad position of losing its autonomy.

These businesses would not even being able to defend themselves against what would in reality be a hostile takeover by Geitner and the US government. The next thing you know all financial, transportation, and healthcare business would be the exclusive province of Uncle Sam and we will be on the road to the point of no return, and the same also applies if Geitner and the administration manage to globalize our currency.

The globalization of all currency as proposed by the Chinese government and supported by Tiny Tim would be another step to take us down the road to socialism. This would ultimately devalue US currency down to the level of at least 2nd world nations such as China and Russia, and maybe even lower if the global recession continues on a downward spiral.

The effect of this on our economy would truly be catastrophic to. Prices on all sorts of items like foodstuffs, gasoline, and homes would skyrocket out of the tax payers reach. Our export markets would shrivel up, while at the same time making it all but impossible to import items to the US because the cost of transporting them here would be beyond our abilities.

Our current administrations policies towards dealing with our economy are so far to the left that even those who are openly European Socialists have said that Obama and his party’s plans for our economic recovery is the road to hell. Now I don’t know about anybody else but when those people make that distinction about our President it worries me greatly.

That is all I have to say for now and I hope you all have a fantastic day. I will be back again tomorrow, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


"The administration and Geitners attempt to gain authority over any business they deem a risk to the economy simply by saying they may be in jeopardy and the other is the new global currency plan he favours with China."
They can't be possibly serious! What do you reckon - does this law have some chance to pushed ahead?

Take care, Elli

March 26, 2009 at 8:17 AM  

This is definitely a scary idea. The thought that someone could decide whether or not businesses are taken over by the government, with no "checks and balances" really scares me.

March 26, 2009 at 10:21 AM  

This guy is Dennis the Menace and our economy is Mr. Wilson and I am very scared of that scenario. We all know what havoc Dennis the Menace wreaks on Mr. Wilson so we can imagine what Tiny Tim is going to do to us economically.

March 27, 2009 at 1:12 AM  

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