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I was watching Glenn Beck on Fox News on Friday and saw the most interesting video on his show. It was a video depicting Thomas Paine and the 2nd American Revolution, and he later interviewed the actor in the video as well. I found the man fascinating and insightful for so short an interview.

The man who portrays the 21st Century Thomas Paine is a man by the name of Bob Basso born in Hawaii but grew up in Brooklyn New York the son of the borough Fire Chief. He tells Glenn that he grew up during the best of times and the worst of times. He remembered the night before Pearl Harbor and how after Pearl Harbor America proved her strength by pulling together and putting differences aside to accomplish the nation’s recovery.

Now this concerned citizen and patriot is crusading against all of the corruption and greed that is coming out of Washington D.C. right now. He is obviously upset about all of this tax payer money going to bail out big business and to create big government without any regard for how we the tax payer feels about it.

He wants us and the politicians to remember that they serve us because we have elected them and if we don’t like the way they serve we can get rid of them with the same vote that elected them. Basically he wants everyone to know that the ultimate power lies with the voter. While I may not agree with everything in his video I do agree with his dissatisfaction over how all of this is being done without consulting the people.

Glenn told hi m that he first saw the video when someone posted it on his 9/12 project website and how he was amazed at the way the Thomas Paine character spoke He told Basso that those feelings were the same for him and that was why he started the 9/12 project. Glenn also didn’t agree with all of Basso’s ideas for dealing with Washington, but none the less agreed that something should be done.

The last thing that they discussed was all of these tea parties that are currently going on around the country regarding all of this taxation and wealth distribution. I think this is a good idea and I will be attending a tea party here in Phoenix next month. I will also be getting video of the event, which I will post on here for all of you to see. I highly recommend that you watch the Glenn Beck interview with Bob Basso, which I am including in this blog.

I hope you all enjoy the video and leave me a comment telling me what you thought about it. Have a great day, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Very interesting. I do think we may need a 2nd Revolution here to get something done. Glad to hear that you are attending the Tea Party in your area. I think everyone should get out there and have a voice. The Tea Parties are a great way to do it!!!

March 23, 2009 at 10:22 PM  

I would really hope that it wouldn't come to a tea party let alone a revolution, but as the saying goes "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots". Great blog Tim.

March 24, 2009 at 9:00 AM  

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