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The Big Spenders!!!!!

The last 24 hours have seen some serious spending in D.C, to the tune of 410 Billion dollars. This pork laden omnibus spending bill designed to run the government until next year has just pushed the national deficit to over 1.3 Trillion dollars. There appears to be almost 9,000 earmarks in this bill totaling something like 9 to 11 Billion dollars. Granted this is not a very significant amount when compared with the entire bill, but these earmarks are a definite waste of tax payer dollars.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who are Obama’s staunch allies and the thugs responsible for pushing this monster pork filled spending bill through both houses of congress have once again managed to do as they please with little or no road blocks thrown up to help streamline the bill in any way. This bill went effortlessly through last night and it is a shame.

Barack Obama who had said that he was all for earmark reform in spending bills, didn’t hesitate to sign the bill into law even as he called for tough earmark reform before a televised press conference. His only defense for signing the bill was that he had inherited the bill from the last administration, which is certainly true. However I think that in light of our current economic distress Obama and hid cohorts should have removed the earmarks prior to passage.

Don’t for one minute think that the Republicans in both houses are going to get a pass from me on this garbage. Even though approximately 60% of these earmarks belong to Democratic Senators and Congressmen, 40% of this earmark crap falls squarely on the shoulders of Republicans in both houses so much for fiscal responsibility from the party of conservatism.

While the votes in both houses on this bill were split largely on party lines there appears to be no real effort by other side to control spending. The republicans also seem to not care about the behemoth that our government is becoming. It seems we are becoming a nation of government for the government rather than for the people. Hell we now have more czars in our government than ruled Russia.

The sad part is that the Dem’s led by Pelosi are already looking into another stimulus package and we aren’t even passed Obama’s first 100 days in office. On top of all of that we are still pumping money into a failed auto industry, AIG, and banking institutions such as Citigroup, and B of A. I got to tell you that Costa Rica is looking better all the time, or maybe the Cayman Islands, but as an American I won’t run away from these problems, but I will run towards a good business opportunity.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Tax and spend is the Dem way and all of us Republicans knew it was coming when Obama was elected. I can't believe that the Republicans have 40% of those earmarks, it makes me sick. I'm going to register as an independent and get out of the GOP>

March 12, 2009 at 8:34 AM  

Shame on the Dems and Shame on the Republicans too. Shame on everyone. LOL.

As for Obama and his claim to get rid of earmarks...since when has he kept any of the promises that he made? It seems to just be par for the course that he breaks his word...over, and over, and over again!

March 12, 2009 at 10:57 PM  

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