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Better Dead Than Red?????

I am not sure, but I think I might have been partially wrong about our new President and his administration when I called them a socialists. That does not mean that I don’t believe that he has any socialist policies, because he obviously does. He has also appointed some admitted and committed socialists to high posts within his administration. The reason I believe that I may have been partially wrong about him and his administration being socialists is that they may very well be communists at least to a degree.

Take it easy now and don’t pop a blood vessel just yet and let me explain. As you are probably aware I receive a vast amount of political emails from people and organizations. Some of these are humorous, some are stupid, and some are serious, but I look through them all in an attempt to find the gold nugget of news worthy truth in every one of them. The information I am about to give you came from one such email a friend and fellow blogger who has written for my blog a time or two, and her name is Joy and you can find her blog here.

The email that Joy had sent me contained a link to a site called American Thinker and you can find the page I am talking about here. The title of this particular blog is “Bingo! Call It Communism”. What it basically talks about is the CPUSA’s (Communist Party of United States of America) platform and support of Barack Obama’s election and now administration you can find them here. What I found on both of these websites sent a chill up my spine and it was 83 degrees here in the Valley of the Sun yesterday.

According to the American Thinker there are 44 items in the CPUSA’s platform that they advocate and promote for our government to achieve their agenda of a new communist government for the United States of America. Randall Hoven who wrote this blog for the American Thinker posted the 44 item platform in his blog as well as a link to the CPUSA site with their manifesto in PDF format that you can download there.

In the Randall Hoven blog he clearly shows the reader the platform, what things in the platform that have already been achieved, and what still needs to be implemented according to the CPUSA manifesto. According to the information that he supplied and my research I have found his blog to be factually accurate. Out of 44 items in the CPUSA platform 22 items have already been implemented, 21 are in the progress of being implemented, and only 1 of these items have been violated.

What this means for the citizens of the United States is that we are half way towards becoming the ideal communist country and workers paradise. Now I am not going to sit here and tell you that I know what is going on in the Mind of Barack Obama, because even I am not that twisted, well at least I don’t think so. But I have been extremely suspicious of the anointed one Barack Obama since he first appeared on the horizon as a Presidential hopeful.

All I ask of you my readers is that you take a look at the information I have given you and make your own decisions as to what you think or believe about this. As for me I feel that I believe what is said about this subject and that he may actually be a committed communist although he will never admit it. I already know that is at the very least a socialist and that is dangerous enough.

I hope you all have a great day and I will see all of you again very soon, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


OH MY GOD ARE YOU SERIOUS? I couldn't believe it, but i went to both of those sites and it is all right there in black and white. Good job Tim.

March 6, 2009 at 6:27 AM  

This is definitely scary to think about. It's too bad so many people sit idly by and continue to let it happen.

March 6, 2009 at 8:21 AM  

When I took a look at those articles and sites, it was definitely sobering! I really hope the American people realize what is happening before it is too late!

March 6, 2009 at 7:41 PM  

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