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I’m here to tell you that we have an awesome Commander in Chief…..NOT!!!!!! I was watching Special Report with Bret Baier on Fox News Friday night and I heard one of the most ridiculous things about President Obama that I have heard so far. Our fearless leader and Commander in Chief wants our veterans who have suffered service injuries while fighting overseas to pay for their medical care with private insurance. I swear can you even think of a more compassionate plan for our service people than that one, Obama must really care about those he commands, MY BUTT!!!!!

This is the guy who wants to nationalize healthcare so that everyone has medical insurance, because it is good for the people. Of course I guess our military personnel are not the equal of the entitlement mentality types who believe that the government owes them everything from medical insurance and money to god forbid maybe even work. That is if you can get their lazy asses to put down their pot and get up from in front of their cartoons long enough to even work part time.

Oh wait a minute I know why the entitlement crowd deserves everything and our military personnel don’t even deserve medical benefits, it is because the entitlement types voted for Obama while most of the military voted for McCain. Well hell if Obama is going to try to pay off the unions with card check, environmentalists with global warming policies that promote the lie, then why not try to payoff the welfare crowd for their votes as well.

Our men and women in uniform have no choice but to do as they are ordered to do. It doesn’t matter that they may not agree with our nation’s policies regarding national security and defense, but they do it anyway because that is the job they volunteered for. They go out all over the world to fight and sometimes die for this nation and when they are injured the man that is ultimately responsible for putting them in harms way wants to deny them the medical care that they deserve.

I don’t know about all of you, but this really pisses me off. Obama telling these fine men and women that they need to purchase private insurance to care for the wounds they received in battle for this nation is a big sign of disrespect to them and is a badge of dishonor that our President has earned and should have to wear if this travesty comes to pass.

That is all for now but I am sure that there will be more there always is. Have a great day and I will see you all again soon, CIAO4NOW!!!!!

P.S. Check out these links.


Tim, it is so good that you have brought this to life.

I gotta tell ya, not a week goes by that Obama does about 20 things that make me mad.

This especially makes me livid. The people that sacrifice so much for our freedom are being disrespected. This president better watch out...he's treading on dangerous ground!

March 16, 2009 at 10:46 PM  

I'm pissed off now too! Once again Obama show's his true colors.

March 16, 2009 at 10:46 PM  

This President is turning into the living version of Ripleys Believe It Or Not.

March 17, 2009 at 1:56 AM  

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