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The Blackberry Conspiracy?????

I was driving along Friday listening to one of my favorite conservative talk radio shows when the host brought up something that made me sit up and take notice to what he was saying. He brought up the fact that Barack Obama is the first American President ever allowed to carry a personal communications device. I am not talking about a cell phone either I am talking about his personal Blackberry device.

The reason I found this so disturbing is that all Presidential communications including his personal communications are considered matters of public record under the FOI (Freedom of Information) Act, except for matters of National Security, and the host corroborated my thoughts. Of course not even those of National Security are completely confidential as those with the required Security clearances have access to them.

Another interesting tidbit of information that I learned was the fact that all Blackberry communications are untraceable, WOW can you imagine that untraceable. Does that mean that not even our friends at the NSA with their state of the art listening technology and intelligence gathering apparatus can bug a Blackberry? What can President Obama possibly need with a device like that and who is he secretly communicating with?

Now I know what you are all thinking, this sounds like I’m about to become a conspiracy theorist. Well normally I am not one of those kinds of people, but it seems to me that Obama is being accorded a privilege that no other US President has ever enjoyed. President George W, Bush has even acknowledged that he ceased sending emails to his daughter’s from his computer at the White House because they were not private, so why should Obama not have to be scrutinized under the same microscope?

Does Obama regularly communicate with people that the citizens of the United States might not find appropriate? Maybe Obama consults with the homegrown terrorist Bill Ayers on matters of education policy, or with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright on matters of domestic policy. Who knows maybe Obama even consults with terrorists like Rashid Khalidi or Khalid al Mansour on matters of defense and security policy. Maybe he even has Tony Rezco on speed dial up at the penitentiary so he can get economic and financial advice. These are just the sort of people we need looking out for our best interests.

Now I don’t pretend to know what Obama is doing with his Blackberry device and chances are it is not something as devious as the scenario I just mentioned, but since I just professed to not having the necessary knowledge to tell you what he is doing with the device, then who does?

I will say this though and that is that President Obama should not be shown any special consideration that hasn’t been shown any past President. It will cloud his promise of transparency and we can’t have him breaking a campaign promise now can we? Of course who am I an American and tax paying citizen to demand that my President be open and forthcoming about his day to day affairs in the White House I help to pay for?

That is all I have for now, but you need to think about what I just said and decide what you think and believe. Have a great day, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


For being the one who was all about "transparency" he's been the president who seems to want to find every way that he can around being transparent.

I definitely wonder what's up with the Blackberry as well. Why should he be allowed to use it and who the heck is he getting in contact with that he refuses to let go of this device? Another thing that makes ya go hmmmmmmmm...

March 9, 2009 at 3:29 PM  

I really want to know why he needs the Blackberry, but since he has it I hope he has a couple of employment agencies on speed dial, because he needs to finish getting his cabinet positions filled.

March 10, 2009 at 7:18 AM  

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