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I was trying to figure out what to write about today and couldn’t come up with anything that I haven’t written about before, so I decided to revisit a subject that I haven’t written about in a while. The subject for today is going to be about illegal immigration, but with regard to strengthening our economy and job creation. Whether you realize it or not illegal immigration has a great impact on our economy and jobs. The inspiration for this blog is of course an email one of you sent me.

Let me start off by asking you these questions, what do Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common? They have all used mass deportation of illegal immigrants from Mexico in order to create jobs and rebuild the economy. You may not believe it but it is true. All three of these US Presidents did so at times in our history when we were in dire need of jobs for US citizens as well as in need of a stronger economy for our people to thrive in.

When we were suffering from what is now called the great depression the 31st President Herbert C, Hoover (R) ordered the deportation of illegal aliens so that American citizens who so desperately needed work would have jobs available to them.

The 33rd President Harry S, Truman (D) deported over 2 million illegal aliens after the 2nd World War in order to create jobs for returning US veterans returning home as well as those already here.

The 34th President Dwight D, Eisenhower (R) in 1954 deported 13 million Mexican Nationals during Operation Wetback so that both WWII and Korean War veterans got a shot at getting work. It took two years, but they were deported.

This all leads me to my next question and that’s with our economy in such turmoil, jobs disappearing left and right, and an illegal immigration situation that is out of control, why can’t our elected officials enforce the law and get rid of the cancer we suffer from and deport it back to whence it came MEXICO? If Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower could do it back then I’m sure Obama could do it now. Although I am sure Obama would rather give them Social Security and food stamps than obey the law.

That’s all for now my friends, but I will be back tomorrow with the T.G.I.F. post, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


If they had just enforced the laws we had on the books in the first place it would at least be easier to deport now and might have even been a mute point.

March 12, 2009 at 8:42 PM  

This is a great post! I agree with you 100%. We'd have more jobs if we didn't have all the illegal aliens. We wouldn't have to have all the "aid" programs for them either, saving huge amounts of money.

March 12, 2009 at 10:56 PM  

i for one am not totally against illegal immigration..I have a brother in law who could be deported at anytime..which is sad..he pays his taxes. all of his money is spent here and where he works is mostly Hispanics too..the problem is That some "AMERICANS" are too damn lazy and would rather be on welfare there entire lives!! If this would come to a hault..even Welfare ..then people would get out and work to support there families..I work and i pay my bills and i support 3 kids that i didnt have and without welfare..I was blessed with my life some are not...I am a proud American..also if the goverment would wake up and see how the ecomomy is then things might get better..but i also agree we do have a lot of Mexicans here that could and should go back home...If we keep on Mexico will be alot richer than us cause alot of them do send there money home....Plus i also think Obama will put us in more debt before he gets us out..all those ppl waiting on him to do something..Guess that day could be a cold day in hell...thanks Tim for sharing ur blog today..i enjoyed reading and enjoyed posting on it too..Gabby

March 13, 2009 at 7:28 AM  

Not for nothing...I've seen illegals get help from the American government before Americans do. If you're illegal, it's like a free pass to health insurance and food stamps. Yet good Americans that lose jobs and deal with hard times have a horrible time trying to get aid. Now that is ridiculous.

March 13, 2009 at 8:18 PM  

If you break one law how much disregard do you show for other laws. If I (a native born American Citizen) break a law I have to pay the consciences. Welcome immigrants, welcome immigrants that want to assimilate into join us in the melting pot by becoming an American Citizen. If you do not respect the United States of America enough to join in LEGALLY and legally change the bad policies I do not want you here undermining our once great country.

May 24, 2009 at 5:39 PM  

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