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Here we are not even 24 hours after I write about the deportation of all Mexican illegal aliens back to their own home land and now Obama is considering whether or not to send the National Guard to the US/Mexican border. Apparently he is considering this as an answer to the violence in the Mexican border towns of Juarez, Nogales, and Tijuana.

I can’t help but wonder that if we had been a little more aggressive in enforcing our immigration laws we might not have to worry so much about the violence spilling over into our country. It has been reported by Fox News from several state and federal officials that representatives from the Mexican cartels who are at war are in the US acting as gang members in cities like Phoenix, Atlanta, and Birmingham.

These animals who make up the Mexican drug cartels are more of a threat to our national security than anyone in Afghanistan or Pakistan right now. The four main cartels currently field a combined armed force on the ground of at least 100,000 men. Fortunately they are in the process of killing each other right now instead of American citizens.

I think one of the main obstacles to this problem could have been erected a few years ago when it was voted on and approved by President Bush and both houses of congress and that is the border fence. Instead the bleeding heart liberals who are now running our government along with the RINO’s who were in both houses have thrown up road block after road block in their on going effort to stop it from being built.

In the mean time they now support amnesty for those here illegally and some of those are directly involved with the very criminals who are now getting away with the wholesale slaughter that is occurring daily just to the south of us. The also allow sanctuary cities to openly welcome, house, and protect illegal’s from federal authorities who are trying to enforce the immigration laws.

Did you know that right now the FBI under authority from DHS (Department of Homeland Security) who is now ran by Janet Napolitano the former Governor of the state of Arizona is investigating Maricopa County Sherriff Joe Arpaio for enforcing the immigration laws in his own county? This is because Napolitano supported the idea of sanctuary cities in Arizona, and she couldn’t stop Arpaio from enforcing the law because the Feds certified his deputies and helped to fund them.

Now to add insult to injury the Democrats want to give these illegal’s access to our Social Security trust fund when they have never paid a dime into it. What they should do is put the funds in to US Customs and The Border Patrol so they can boost their manpower and defend the border. Although if they had done all of this when they were told it was necessary we wouldn’t be talking about militarizing our southern border now.

I personally don’t think that Obama will do anything until it is to late and damage has been done, then he will just say he inherited the problem and blame all of it on G.W. Bush, because everything is Bush’s fault. How ludicrous does that sound, but trust me I am sure that is what he would do.

That’s all I have to rant about today my friends. T.G.I.F. and have a terrific weekend, I will see you all next week, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


wow..nice blog..i watched this on Cnn lastnight..hiring Americans to kill people..This has got to come to a stand still..I am worried because of our next generation...What kind of life is where kids are killing kids???? it makes me sick..Thanks again for bloggin..i have enjoyed them today

March 13, 2009 at 7:35 AM  

I agree with you. Stricter laws on illegal aliens could have prevented this problem. Of course Obama probably won't do anything about that.

March 13, 2009 at 8:14 PM  

As a former military man and a MARINE at that I say militarize the border with orders to shoot anyone that aint running towards Mexico. OOORHAAAAAAAA

March 13, 2009 at 10:53 PM  

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