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This week Barack Obama finally showed a little bit of transparency in government. I think that transparency in our government is a good thing, because it can produce trust between our President, lawmakers, and citizens. I firmly believe that we should exactly what our government unless it involves matters of national security, which could be compromised by making the information public. However I don’t think that in this case Obama did this for the good of the country.

Here is what our President did that was so transparent. He released a series of documents that had previously kept secret by the Bush administration that involved the war on terror. I think it may have been good to release these documents, but not for the reasons that I think Obama did so. I think Obama released these documents to divert attention from himself and his political agenda.

Some of these documents dealt with the detainee situation in Gitmo, and the interrogations there. They also contained information on extraordinary rendition, which means that our intelligence apparatus sent certain terrorist detainees to other countries in order to use more aggressive interrogation techniques. The documents also contained information on the wiretap policy of the Bush administration regarding terrorist conversations involving people inside the US. There was also data showing that the CIA had destroyed 92 videos of interrogations that they performed.

Personally I have no problems with the Bush Administrations policy regarding the war on terror. I don’t care anything about the Gitmo detainees other than they get what they deserve for going to war against us. By the same token I don’t care how we came by the information, because the bad guys would do even worse to us to get what they want. As far as wiretaps go if it gets the Islamofascists that we are fighting then it works for me I have nothing to hide in my phone conversations. I also think that the CIA should have aired those video tapes to show the American people what it takes to keep our nation safe.

Fortunately for us there was almost no new info in the documents that Obama released and most of it was common knowledge amongst the American population. The 92 videos information was new, but I don’t care that they destroyed them, because I don’t are to what light entertainment at dinner time. Like I said this was just Obama’s attempt to deflect attention from him so he can fly under the radar a little bit. This action was not transparency for transparencies sake, but transparency for Obama’s sake, so that he can try to hide the damaging policies he is instituting.

That is all for now and I am sorry you are getting this so late this evening, but like every other American I got to pay the bills first. I will be back again soon have a great evening, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Well, this definitely has to be the first thing that the man has been transparent about.

He needs to understand, transparency in government doesn't mean just when you wanna be transparent.

Apparently he is the one who interprets when he needs to be transparent.

This man really does get on my nerves.

March 3, 2009 at 9:33 PM  

I know Obama is transparent as most spineless, evil, and vindictive jellyfish are.

March 3, 2009 at 10:39 PM  

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