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Well what do you know, the Republican members of the US Senate finally got up the backbone to challenge the 410 Billion Dollar spending bill that had made its way to the Senate for a full vote. I wonder if the RINO’s were involved in forcing the Democrats to put off the final vote so they can sweet talk enough Republicans to get the votes they need or if the Blue Dog Democrats were the cause of the pause.

Who ever was the catalyst for this disruption has my thanks as long as they can keep the bill from passing as is. If the RINO’s alone are responsible for making the Democrats come up 1 vote shy of the 60 needed to send it to the President to sign off on I would be surprised. More than likely some of those Democrats I mentioned help to stall the measure before the final vote that forced Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to put it off at least until Monday of next week.

In the meantime the Senate will have to vote on and pass a stopgap budget bill so that the government can continue doing business until they sort out this pork laden monstrosity and get enough votes to pass it. Part of the problem appears to be the way it impacts changes in US policy towards Cuba. Of course it also appears that the cost of this thing has a few of the Democrats nervous about it as well.

What is surprising to me also is that Obama’s resident yes man inside the GOP former Republican Presidential candidate and still Senator from Arizona John McCain had come out against the bill a few days ago and came out strongly against it yesterday. I have to wonder if the new leader of the Conservative Movement Rush Limbaugh has finally gotten the message through to those knotheads on Capitol Hill and put the fear of the voter into them.

That’s all for this week I hope you all have a marvelous weekend. I will see you all next week, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Let's hope that the Republicans have finally decided to do the right thing! It's about time John McCain did something right.

March 6, 2009 at 8:23 AM  

This was definitely a shocker. I hope that this is a sign that Republicans on the hill are going to try to turn things around instead of turning into "Yes Obama" people.

March 6, 2009 at 7:40 PM  

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