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The Last British Colony.....

Today instead of talking about US politics I want to talk to talk about Ireland, the UK, and the politics of colonialism. I know that this is not my usual bailiwick, but I do believe that it deserves some attention. There are many problems over there and there have been for years. These problems include British colonialism, religion, politics, and good old fashioned hate, and today we are going to take a look at all of them.

Back in its day Britain was what you would call a colonial power. They fought, conquered, and colonized many different nations around the world from India, Australia, and South Africa, to Scotland, and Ireland.

The royal families that ruled Britain believed that it was their destiny to rule the whole of the world and attempted to do so very violently. With their exceptionally well trained military and navy they were very successful at colonization for hundreds of years.

Religion was one of the tools that Britain used in its attempted conquests of the nations it sought to occupy and colonize. They supported the Protestants in Ireland against their Catholic opposition. The used the Church of England as a tool of enforcement against their own people who eventually came to the Americas and formed the colonies. They even forced people in countries like China’s Hong Kong, the Aborigines in Australia, and the African tribes to accept Christianity or be subject to ridicule and cruelty.

Politics was often the driving force behind Britain’s war-like colonial ways. If a country or location didn’t subscribe to Britain’s political beliefs then they were more often than not the target of conquest and colonization.

The British were historically unhappy with any nation who didn’t view their geo-political beliefs and sought to beat them into submission. Just look at how long and how many times France and England have been at war for the last thousand years.

Hate is the very basic emotion that ultimately doomed the British Colonial Empire to fail with very few exceptions. In the case of the United States it was taxation without representation that caused the war that ended English rule here, we hated it. It ultimately led to their defeat and removal from virtually all of its former colonies. Unfortunately hate is what still drives certain factions within Ireland and Northern Ireland in particular and until that issue can be resolved there will never really be a complete peace there.

I will tell you that parts of my family has been invested in the troubles in Ireland since they began. Members of my family resided in the north within the five counties, but mostly from Cork. They were Irish, Catholic, and extremely proud. They also wanted Ireland independent and ruled by their own.

Since then the situation has evolved and some of the more radical factions have adopted a more socialist or even fascist idea of a free Ireland. I for one can’t say that I will ever live to see an Ireland free from British occupation and rule. I also cannot say that Ireland would be better without it. The British/Irish peace that was brought about in the late 90’s was a good start, but the struggle is not over.

Until the Irish are treated fairly and equally to all the citizens of the UK, and the violent factions are rooted out and disappear or cease to wage their guerrilla war against the United Kingdom total peace is only a dream. It is still possible but until then it is still an illusion.

I hope you all have a great day my friends, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Very interesting post. I definitely enjoyed it. I'm not sure the UK will ever let go of Ireland, and it's sad to see the hate on both sides of the situation. Definitely not very progressive is it???

March 19, 2009 at 7:53 PM  

Great post Tim. There's definitely been years of discontent between those two countries. Perhaps some day both sides will go beyond the hate.

March 19, 2009 at 11:05 PM  

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