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It now appears that President Obama is attacking anther Bush rule that was enacted in the last days of his administration. This rule reinforced protections for medical providers who would refuse to perform abortions or other medical procedures on moral grounds, such as religious beliefs.

DHHS (Department of Health and Human Services) said that the administration will publish the notice of its intentions early next week, while at the same time opening up a 30 day comment period for advocates, medical groups, and the public.

It came as no surprise that President Obama while running for the Presidency criticized the regulation, and his aides promised that if he were to be elected he would review the rule. What that meant was that he would rescind the rule because it could interfere with his nationalized healthcare plan by subverting government’s authority to force medical providers to comply in order to receive federal funds.

If we are to recognize freedom of religion and speech of all faiths then I believe that we should recognize Christianity as well. If a physician has a moral objection to performing certain medical procedures then the physician should not be forced by the government to perform them.

I also realize that abortion is legal in this country and women have the right to choose how to deal with a pregnancy that is wanted or unwanted. This is a decision that also should not fall under the purview of government bureaucracy. By rescinding the rule you might not only violate the physician’s constitutional rights, but you might violate the rights of the woman as well.

I am here to tell you that I am not a man that is quick to hate another human being, and I am known by those that know me well to be extremely tolerant of other people, even those I think are stupid. However I can honestly say that every day I am drawing closer to being able to say that I hate our President and I don’t want to.

I am totally disgusted with this administrations attempt to do everything in its power to compromise this nation in every way. Whether it is on matters of defense, economic stability, tax payer money, healthcare issues, or faith he is leaving no stone unturned in an effort to bring us to a socialist government similar to France or worse yet Venezuela.

That is all I have to say for now, all of this makes me feel dirty and my conscience needs a cleanse to dispel all of this evil that is being thrust upon us. Have a good day my friends and I will see you again soon, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


That is definitely despicable. Next thing you know Christians won't be able to go to church. Christian schools will be banned. The Bible will be burned. God will no longer be a part of the country. Christians will be persecuted. Of course what should you expect from a "muslim" president?

March 4, 2009 at 7:53 PM  

I am outraged as well! This man makes me sick. He does everything in his power to undermine our country and the value of human life. I only hope the American people wake up in time...

March 4, 2009 at 7:53 PM  

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