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Expensive trips and private jets, outrageously expensive employee resort retreats, obscene financial waste and excess in the workplace, You would think that I was talking about AIG, the Big Three automakers, or Wall Street CEO’s right? Well you would be wrong I am talking about our own government and sadly I am not the least bit surprised.

How can I be surprised by anything this government does considering all of the spending and waste that has occurred since the last national election where the Dem’s took total control of the White House and both houses of congress as well? My god VP Joe Biden actually believes we need to spend even more money to stay out of bankruptcy.

Well true to Joe “The Gaffe’” Biden’s prophesy there are two more governmental agencies that seem to believe in the democratic dogma of spend, spend, and spend. Now granted in the grand scheme of monstrous government and out of control spending this will seem rather innocuous, but it still prescribes to the disease rather than the cure.

Recently the Social Security Administration spent approximately $700,000 dollars for their agents at a posh Phoenix Arizona resort under the guise of taking care of Social Security business. That price does not even include travel costs incurred by the agency to fly these reps to Arizona.

It is my understanding that all of this business could have been conducted by internet video conferencing, which would have been a lot less expensive. I also understand that this particular resort gave the Social Security Administration the lowest bid for the business but it is still more government waste.

Then there are my favorite financial wizards over at the Fed who have just hired a whole slew of cartoonists to help raise moral and lessen stress in their workplace. I wonder who the genius was that thought up this ridiculously wasteful and useless idea. I know a lot of people in stressful jobs and they all say this won’t work.

You almost have to wonder what’s next don’t you? Maybe it will be a court jester czar for the Barry and the White House staff. Or maybe it will be a stand up comedian for the senate because Al “The Weenie” Franken hasn’t been funny since they invented fire and the wheel. Whatever it is I am sure that it will provide comic relief for the tax payer.

That’s it for now from Simple Man Politics my friends. I think I’m going to call it a day and go watch the Wiggles with my son because I am sure it will relieve my stress and provide me with some comic relief. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend CIAO4NOW!!!!!


What is really interesting is that while the government is wasting all this money, Obama is constantly crying out to the American people, telling them they need to cut back and start doing more for the nation.

Well if that's cutting back...I want to cut back!!! lol

July 19, 2009 at 4:53 PM  

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