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Well here is another chance for me to say I told you so. It now appears that independent voters are deserting Obama both nationally and in key swing states as well according to recent polling data. While this cannot be good news for the President and the White House they are playing it down right now.

Polling organizations such as Gallup, Quinnipiac University, and Rasmussen have all reported these downward trends regarding independents, Obama, and the Democratic Party. However while some data indicates this trend as recent there is some data that shows this trend occurring almost from inauguration day.

What makes the possibility of losing the independent voter support a problem for both the White House and the democratically controlled Congress is the almost total loss of bi-partisanship. Once the Republicans in both houses realized that they could not work across the aisle the quit trying and instead went back to their own ideological platforms and beliefs.

It seems that the main reason that the independent voter is now jumping ship on the Democrats and leaning more to the right and the Republicans has a lot to do with the economy, out of control spending programs, and an ever increasing government presence in the private sector. Unfortunately for the Democrats they have come to far in those directions that it would be admitting they were wrong if they were to turn back now.

The Republicans are of course now reveling in their role of being the underdog champions for the average American. It also appears that they will not be giving up one inch of ground to the Democrats without a fight either. They are now attacking everything that the Dem’s and Obama have on their agenda. Their favorite targets at this time appear to be healthcare, climate change, Sonia Sotomayor, and now a second stimulus.

Out of all of this news pertaining to independent voter confidence and their apparent retreat from Obama and the Democrats is the fact that even though Obama’s approval ratings have slipped amongst independents he still remains at about 56% in those ratings. This is obviously a testament to his personal and charismatic ability to remain likable even when those that like him don’t agree with him.

With all of this new evidence on the independent voter, as well as the obvious Republican dislike of the Obama, the White House, and the Democrat-controlled Senate and Congress I have to wonder what the mid-term elections will look like. I imagine I will find out soon enough since the mid-terms are little more than a year away. What ever happens then I am sure it will be at the least interesting.

Thanks for stopping by Simple Man Politics today but that is all for now. However as you all know I will be back again very soon so have a fantastic day and CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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