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No Stimulus Accomplished....

Wow we all got some good new this week and just in time for the 4th of July weekend too. Apparently the anointed one President Barack Hussein, Obama has decided that his stimulus bill has done its job and is a success as well. I for one am happy to tell you that the results of the stimulus are obvious and a success at something, and King Obama said our economy is recovering nicely.

I think that this information is great except for one thing though, it is all a lie. The truth is in the job sector there were no permanent jobs saved. There were no manufacturing, tech, or other skill jobs created. Unemployment crept up to 10% for the first time since Jimmy “The Peanut Farmer” Carter was in office. Last but not least the average work week has gone for 40 hours to about 32 hours.

Banks are still not lending. Mortgages are still in wholesale foreclosure. States are not meeting payroll for even their first responders. Approximately 42 states are in financial trouble and a lot of those currently have no budgets in place. The third largest economy in the US which is California is now paying their debts with IOU’s because they have no cash.

In the midst of all of this we have also received some even better news as well. It looks like all of our utility bills are going to go up by 30% in the next two years. They are going to tax our power, (Cap and Trade) which is something Bill "Slick Willy" Clinton tried to do when he was in office. The Obama government is also going to fine people about $1000 if they do not get any healthcare coverage too.

I don’t know if I can handle much more news as good as this before the 4th of July. I mean seriously people all of this good news is so overwhelming to me even if it is all a lie. By the way how do all of you feel about it? I am just happy we have one more day of independence as a great country before we become the world’s largest banana republic.

I hope you all have a fun filled, fireworks laden, picnic havin, beer drinkin 4th of July this weekend. I will be back again next week my friends so until then CIAO4NOW!!!!!


I have to agree with stimulus has been accomplished by Obama. Unemployment is continuing to rise.

Sadly this 4th of July, many areas are so badly stricken by the economy that there are not even celebrations being held. I have never seen this occur in my lifetime.

If we don't have the money in our communities to hold 4th of July celebrations, then Mr. Obama, you have been a complete failure. There is no stimulus...only stupidity on your part.

Somehow I don't believe this is the "independence" that our forefathers fought for so many years ago.

July 4, 2009 at 2:22 AM  

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