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Welcome to Simple Man Politics my friends today we are going to discuss a topic I have been eyeing for some time, but haven’t had the chance or information to adequately address until now. Today’s topic is Obama’s Defense Budget. This has been a subject that has worried me for some time but there is no avoiding it now. The reason I am talking about it now is because it will go to congress soon.

It is no secret that Obama has been planning to cut a lot of funding from The Department of Defense especially since he made that promise during his campaign more than once. However he is facing some opposition and criticism regarding some of his proposed budget cuts even from within his own party too. However a lot of this opposition is due to job loss that will occur as a result.

For example one of President Obama’s proposed defense spending cuts involves the F-22 Fighter Program. This is a very expensive but important weapon in our national arsenal and one that most feel is necessary for the US to maintain our air superiority in the first part of the 21st century. The F-22 program will also be a stable economic platform for the nation as well considering our current economic, financial, and employment crisis’s we face at this time.

However Barack Obama is so adamant about cutting this program that he has even threatened to veto his own defense budget bill if the program is not cut. You almost have to wonder what kind of logic this very inexperienced chief executive of the nation is applying to his decisions on defense spending. The F-22 program is not the only potential cut, missile defense is another one. There are other important programs besides these two that are facing the knife as well.

Now that I have had the time to sit back and look at our Presidents plans in all areas for this nation, I can only assume that these decisions proves not only his lack of experience in national security, but his lack of intelligence and real life experiences as well. Unfortunately we are now obliged to live with these potentially fatal mistakes that Obama calls the right choices for us all. I am not just talking about national defense now; I am talking about his mistakes in the financial, economical, employment, healthcare, and climate arenas too.

That is all for now but I will be back with more real soon and I am sure of that. I hope you all have a fantastic night and a great day tomorrow CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Wow. That's all I could think of with these budget cuts. Cutting the F-22's and the missile defense out of the budget would be asinine. If Obama does cut them out of the budget they need to add in an item for some signs. "Open Season On The U.S.A!! Come On In"

July 15, 2009 at 11:58 PM  

While I do believe that these ridiculous ideas on defense show both inexperience and stupidity, I also believe that this is what Obama wants for this nation.

I really think he wants to leave our country defenseless. He seems to think that we can befriend the world this way. It is naive, stupid, and makes you wonder what his real plans are for this country...

July 16, 2009 at 1:14 AM  

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