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I know I haven’t really tackled this issue on its own and I have only addressed it generally when discussing Obama’s other plans, but today I am going to address this issue as its own subject on Simple Man Politics. The reason being that it is about to go to the senate and ultimately get voted on very soon, and that's healthcare.

I will tell you that most of the people I know are very much against this idea. However there are a couple of people whose opinions I highly value who have so far said nothing to me about it and they are medical professionals as well. Since one of these individuals is also an Obama supporter I am very curious about that opinion in particular.

Healthcare was a topic that was touched upon by both John McCain and Barack Obama during their campaigns to get into the White House. John McCain had the idea of taxing people’s health benefits as part of his healthcare plan. Barack Obama said that healthcare was an important issue for him, but gave no indications to how he would deal with it.

Of course now President Obama has presented his version of a healthcare plan to both houses of congress for approval and passage. Just like all of his other programs, it requires enlarging government and trillions of American tax payer dollars. It also appears to have been built on a model similar to that of our Canadian brother’s healthcare plan.

Considering the fact that the Canadian healthcare system has proven to be an abject failure I find it hard to believe that our government will go in that direction. The horror stories that have come out of Canada about long waits, lack of treatment, lack of healthcare professionals, and bureaucratic red tape I cringe at the prospect.

As usual the White House and congress are looking at how they are going to pay for this cumbersome and unwieldy monstrosity they call their healthcare plan, and have decided to once again tax the wealthy to pay for it. The reason being is that the wealthy can afford it and should pay for everyone who doesn’t have insurance rather they can afford it or not.

There are also congress persons who believe that you should be forced to either pay for your own healthcare plan or take the nationalized plan and if you don’t then be fined and they want a provision that forces all hospitals to perform abortions. Obama himself wants total control over how much Medicare will reimburse hospitals and healthcare providers.

Organizations including the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) and the GAO (Governmental Accounting Office) have said that there will be no financial relief for the American tax payer in this plan just more of an already unrecoverable tax burden. They also state that this will drive many healthcare providers into bankruptcy.

Scott Rasmussen of Rasmussen Reports a pollster is the latest in his profession to come out with the latest polling data and a new poll that shows that the vast majority of Americans are against the Obama plan. Data has also been introduced that shows Obama and Democratic Party approval ratings continue to slide with this issue.

Here are a couple more interesting tidbits of information for you all. Apparently when it is all said and done only about 10% of uninsured Americans will wind up with healthcare. Oh yeah and 12 million illegal immigrants will get healthcare too and we will have to pay for them also.

I don’t know what you all have done about this yourselves, but I have emailed both of my Senators and all of Arizona’s congresspersons telling them to vote no for this bill or I will vote no for them in their next elections. I do agree that healthcare is an important issue, but I do not agree that this particular plan will address and solve the problem.

That is all we have for you today here at Simple Man Politics, but we will be back again soon with more of what is important in the world of politics. Have a marvelous day my friends and CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Great points here Tim! I definitely don't want Obama's healthcare plan. The health care system is bad enough, and only Obama and congress can make it worse...which they will if this plan goes through.

July 21, 2009 at 10:45 PM  

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