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My god what is going on in my country? I go away for just a few days and when I return after a small hiatus and an awesome birthday, I find out that Norm Coleman is out and Al Franken is now the Senator from Minnesota, OMG!!!!!

What is wrong with those people up there in Minnesota anyway? Are they all suffering from bovine flatulence produced methane gas poisoning or what? Al "The Weenie" Franken is going to be the death of this nation at least until the 2010 mid-term elections.

This no-talent comedian and radio personality couldn’t even make it on his own as an entertainer, or with Soros’s billions behind him at Air America radio. Now the people of Minnesota has to rely on this loser to represent them for the next four years, so it sucks to be them I guess.

What is even worse though is the potential damage that may be inflicted upon all American citizens as a result of this walking political plague known as Al Franken. This guy is so far to the left that his shadow falls over when he stands up. This idiot believes in everything from the Global Warming lie to the he knows better than the American people lie.

What makes this Senate seat even more dangerous with Franken in it is that the Democrats now have a 60 vote filibuster-proof majority in the senate. What this means is that every wacky left wing loony project that comes to the Senate floor will be pushed right on through.

That’s right people the government will be that much closer to telling you what to do and how to live. Our taxes will also go up quicker than it took the Titanic to sink, and that didn’t even take an entire night to happen. So that’s right my fellow citizens we are all ROYALLY SCREWED!!!!!

I just can’t wait till I have the ability to say I told you so to all of those people who said I was being too much of an extremist about what has happened up until now, because with Franken in the Senate seat it just got 10 times worse for the nation. Unfortunately I think that when I can finally say I told you so it will be to late.

Have a wonderful day…..if possible, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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