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Political News Update

Today I am going to do something different and not concentrate solely on the Presidential candidates. I want to talk about some other political figures as well. I hope you all are ready because I'm going to jump right in and get started.

Barney Frank my favorite little fat man from Massachusetts is my first subject for today. The Democratic Congressman and Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee has been in the news a little bit lately but not enough to suit me. This pompous, arrogant, ignorant, snake oil salesman got his job during the Democratic takeover of the lower house in 2006. since then he has been one of those responsible for the collapse of Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae, AIG, and Lehman Brothers.

I say he is responsible for the simple fact that when he took over as chairman of the house committee responsible for regulation and oversight of financial institutions and the financial market he stood by and did nothing to avert the current crisis in those areas. At first he said there was nothing wrong with these companies and that the fundamentals of Freddy and Fanny were strong. Then when the defecation contacted the rotary oscillator he immediately blamed the republicans and their policy of deregulation, which is a fallacy created by Frank and others in his party to divert the blame from those like Frank who are responsible to those who were not.

Not only was Barney and others in congress and the senate warned there was a big problem by people like McCain and some in the financial industry but they already knew it and did nothing because they benefited from these companies financially. I think this idiot should at the very least be removed from his chairmanship and with any luck lose his reelection bid for his congressional seat.

Another one that deserves to be cast out on is backside is Republican Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska. This recently convicted federal felon is currently in a run for reelection to his senate seat. He was convicted of corruption and bribery involving 250k in renovations to his home in exchange for political favors. he is one of those members of the "good ole boy network" in Washington and Alaska that we have heard McCain and Palin say they were going to get rid of. I think the party shouldn't even wait and cast him out of the GOP now. If by some miracle he manages to win reelection he should be removed from the senate to. I don't want this crook with his hands on the taxpayers purse strings.'

Democratic Congressman John Murtha of Pennsylvania is another figure who has come to the forefront of the public eye in politics recently. This man who has been in public service for more than 30 years and is a former marine who has my thanks for his service to the nation,(OOOOORAH!!!!!) has been making outrageous statements for the last few years starting with the Haditha incident in which he said that 8 marines were guilty of murder in a massacre there although 7 of the 8 marines have been acquitted and only one is still under investigation and is charged with manslaughter. He has recently made such outrageous statements that his own constituency is both racist and redneck because they probably wont throw the handle for Obama. I think this is political suicide in his own district and I hope so, considering he is up for reelection to. I think it is time for this patriot flawed though he may be to step down and keep whatever dignity he has left, which probably isn't much.

Lets take a look at a media outlet now and I don't mean NBC, MSNBC, or CNN. Lets look at the Los Angeles Times. They claim to be in possession of a video tape of Barack Obama at a farewell dinner for Professor Rashid Khalidi. Khalidi is a former spokesperson for the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) an organization that our own government considers a terrorist organization. This video purportedly contains footage of Obama praising this man. The LA Times says that they won't release the video because it would jeopardize the identity of their informant. Apparently they will release the video after the election though. It seems at that point their informant won't be in any danger. Why not release it now the world is well aware of Obamas ties to this man as well as Bill Ayers who was also in attendance. Could this video cause irreparable damage to the Obama campaign if it were released. I am sure if there was a video of McCain with a white supremacy group they would not hesitate to release that for public consumption. i am sensing a double standard here.....really I am.

It has also been noted that under McCains own chairmanship the International Republican Institute repeatedly funded the Center for Palestine Research and Studies an organization founded by Rashid Khalidi. I am very interested in Johns straight talk response to this.

That's all I have for right now. I hope it will make you guys seriously consider your choice for President. If you live in Alaska, Massachusetts, or Pennsylvania and are unlucky enough to be represented by Frank, Stevens, or Murtha I really hope you seriously consider not voting for those idiots. I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday CIAO4NOW!!!!!


These people are the one of the reasons I believe we should have term limits for senators and congressmen. they get so corrupt after being there for a while but I think it is the nature of the beast in Washington. Very good post Tim keep up the good work.

November 2, 2008 at 1:39 PM  

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