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Before I get started on today's blog I want to give a shout out to the Philadelphia Phillies, way to go on winning the World Series boys. That's number 2 in the last 126 years don't wait so long for the next one.

Now it's time for the blog.

I know I got a little bit long winded yesterday and I'm sorry about that, but I thought that those people deserved a little bit of constructive criticism as well as some truth. I won't be so long winded today.....I think.

Last night Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama gave his 30 minute prime time infomercial to the country. He bought the same time slot on several different cable and network channels to accomplish his goal of reaching as many Americans as possible. I found the entire production to be very well made. I also noticed that he made himself appear a lot more human and less of an elitist, which I think was a goal in this production he put on.

The show revolves around the lives of four different families and the hardships that they are having to endure. The stories of these very typical American families are heart warming and heart wrenching. Like every other middle class family in the country they are having to deal with problems and make decisions that have a serious and profound effect on them. My heart really goes out to them and I can identify with them. Life is hard and it has gotten harder over the last eight years.

However there are a few things that everyone who has an ounce of common sense knows. No one ever said life is going to be easy. No one ever said life is going to be fair. No one ever said you are entitled to go to college. No one ever said that you are entitled to health care. No one ever said you are entitled to the American dream. No one ever said just those things to me or any one else I know.

What people with common sense will tell you is that you can have at least a good life if not an easy one, you can have a good education, you can have quality health care, and you can have the American dream, if you are willing to work hard everyday and earn these things you can have them. The United States of America is not intended to be a land of entitlement.

Like I said I found Obama's infomercial to be very well made and he stated his case as best as he could in the show. I would like to say that I have learned something new about the mans policies but I did not. He didn't say anything in the entire 30 minutes that he hasn't said for the last 21 months of his campaign he just polished up his speech. he also afforded himself the opportunity at great financial expense to put forth his ideas without having to answer any questions about how he plans to accomplish all the things he promises. I guess he felt that no new news is good news for his campaign.

That is all I have to say about this subject. I am including the link for the full 30 minute infomercial at the bottom of this post. The link will direct you to all 4 parts of the infomercial. There is also a very cool music video at the end of the show. I hope you all watch the video so you can see what a charismatic speaker and showman he really is. He is quite possibly the greatest political orator of our time.

Have an excellent Thursday and I will see you all again tomorrow CIAO4NOW!!!!!


It scares me that Obama can make a 30 minute infomercial and after I have watched it I didn't learn anything more about the guy.

November 2, 2008 at 1:35 PM  

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