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Hands In The Cookie Jar

Well what do you know we actually caught some corporate executives with their hands in the taxpayer cookie jar. just a week after we the taxpayer loaned AIG 85 billion dollars to pay off their debt, the honchos at AIG take a 440,000 dollar corporate retreat at one of the most exclusive resorts in California at the St Regis resort in Monarch Beach. An AIG spokesperson said the event was about entertaining independent insurance agents of AIG American General which is one of the company's major US operations and was planned months ago.

I understand the need to recognize and reward people who are successful in performance based payed positions because working on a commission basis is not that easy especially in sales and with the economy in the shape it is in right now. However i find it be an extremely criminal act to have this sort of event within AIG at this time and to fund it with taxpayer dollars and I don't care how far back it was planned. People are losing their homes, cars, insurance, and jobs right now and at the same time being asked to fund this and other corporate giants who are failing with this bailout bill and get treated with such disrespect it is outrageous. I think this is just one more reason why we shouldn't have bailed these idiots out. But to be honest our government and the politicians in charge of regulating these firms in the first place played a critical role in their financial demise and now they have to try to fix it i guess. I can't wait to see what other shenanigans are attempted by these corporate executives and the politicians who are regrettably in charge now.

Have an awesome day everyone CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Well..what do ya know. Are you really surprised here? Didn't we the American people see this coming. I love the fact that my tax dollars are going to send someone else to a resort instead of me. BLAH! That's what happens when government decides to spend our money trying to fix a business gone bad. Those execs should have to pay the money back. After all, they all probably make their millions could they even consider that when the people paying for this Bailout are just trying to keep a roof over their head and food on the table? It's despicable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October 7, 2008 at 7:01 PM  

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