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As you all know, we had the third and final Presidential Debate last night and now we are nineteen days away from the Presidential election. I was wondering what I have learned about the candidates after four and a half hours of political discourse between the two. I have come to the conclusion that I still know the same things about the these gentlemen that I knew before the debates and not much else. I know all the numbers and facts associated with their plans and proposals for the nation, but nothing new or different about the candidates themselves, which in some ways is very disconcerting to me.

With regards to John McCain I know that he is a decorated war hero. I also know that he has been in public service his entire life. I know that he is truly a maverick within his party and has stood up against his own party when he felt that they were wrong on an issue. I know that he has never taken a dollar for earmarks or pork for his state. I know that he is for less taxes and smaller government. I know he has a record for bi partisanship and working across the aisle to get things done. I know that according to several non partisan groups who crunch the numbers that his health care and economic plans will give the American people net gains in coverage and cash in their pockets and that is plans are better for us than Obama's. I know that John McCain is not George W. Bush. Last but not least I know that he is a man of his word, and as a result, he is an honorable man who can be trusted to do as he says he will do.

This is what I know about Barack Hussein Obama. I know he is a gifted and charismatic speaker. I know that he started his career as a lowly community organizer. I know that he represented ACORN in a class action lawsuit and that he trained most of their leadership cadre in Chicago, Ill. I know that he sat on the Annenburg and Joyce foundations and the Woods Fund with Bill Ayers and was recruited by Ayers to sit on these boards and together they gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to ACORN. I know that his political career started in Bill Ayers living room. I know that he was recommended to al-Mansour a self professed radical Muslim by Farrakhan another know association of his for financial aid to enter Harvard. I know he has a financial relationship with Rashid Khalidi a former member of the PLO. I know he spent more than twenty years in Reverend Wrights congregation. I know that his association with Father Phleger goes all the way back to his community organizer days. I know that he gets his economic policy from Franklin Raines and James Johnson who were both CEO's of Fanny Mae and stole tens of millions of dollars from the company. Lastly I know that according to various non partisan groups that his health care, economic, and foreign policies would be damaging to our country and that he would ultimately tax everyone right into the poor house creating the greatest economic crisis in our history since the great depression.

So basically nothing new has surfaced that I, and approximately three hundred million people, don't already know about these candidates. What it comes down to is who can you really trust to lead us and defend us. For my part, I think I will go with someone who has a record of working for us and looking out for us, instead of going with someone who has spent the better part of their life and career looking out for themselves and their special interests. As for the rest of you, all I can say is you have to do what your conscience tells you is the right thing to do.

Have an awesome day my friends CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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