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Barack In His Own Words.....

Welcome back my friends to another installment of Simple Man Politics on this Tuesday the 28th of October 2008. As I promised today I have something more interesting to write about than the money spent on Sarah Palins campaign wardrobe. today I'm going to talk about Barack Obama's redistribution of wealth policy and I have it in Barack Obama's own words. I think you will be very surprised when you hear what he has to say.

In 2001 when Barack Obama was still a state senator in Illinois he gave a radio interview in which he discussed redistribution of wealth and the supreme courts inaction in making this happen. in the interview he also stated that he thought that redistribution of wealth was now an administrative task and might possibly be mandated legislatively.

Another thing he said in this interview was that the constitution was written to say what the federal government and state governments can't do to you but not what government should do for you on your behalf. What he basically said is that it is a tragedy that the constitution has not been more radically interpreted to force the redistribution of wealth. He believes that the Warren court was not radical enough in its interpretation of the constitution and missed an opportunity to make the redistribution of wealth a mandate.

I am not going to say any more on this subject today. Instead I am going to leave you with an audio recording of the interview which also contains a video at the end that rebuts Obama's own words. I hope you will give this recording a good listen to. I have listened to it at least three times and I am not in the least bit surprised that this is how Obama really feels. He has made it clear since he started his campaign that he wants to redistribute other peoples wealth. He wants to take it from those who have worked hard to earn their money and reward those who haven't earned that money by giving it to them. This is exactly what a socialist program looks like.

I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday and I will see you again tomorrow CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Unfortunately Obama will just lie and say he didn't say those things or he will say he is being misinterpreted. he is such a phony and a scam and I can't believe that even the people in his own party are falling for his B.S.

November 2, 2008 at 1:41 PM  

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