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Guilty By Association

We are well inside 30 days until the Presidential election and now all of the mudslinging is starting to happen. The major topic of all of this mudslinging seems to be around who is associated with who. Now while I may personally think this is a dangerous road to go down for both Presidential candidates I do think it is worth looking into. So what I am going to write about today is all of the candidates known controversial associations starting with Barack Obama and finishing with John McCain so lets get started.

Bill Ayers is the first association of Obamas we are going to look at. Bill Ayers is the former leader of the domestic terrorist group The Weather Underground and is responsible for several bombings in the 1960's. On September 11th, 2001 he said in an interview that he wasn't sorry for what he did and felt they didn't do enough and wouldn't discount more bombs as being necessary now. It is said that Obamas political career started in Bill Ayers living room and that Bill Ayers held several fundraisers for Barack Obama who had also attended them.

Reverend Jeremiah Wright is another controversial association of Barack Obama. This man is a racist and anti Semite who Obama called his spiritual mentor for more than 20 years. He not only presided over barack and Michelle Obamas wedding but even baptised both of their daughters. Obama claims that he never once heard Reverend Wright espouse anything racist or anti Semitic in all the time he was a member at Trinity even though these sermons were available on tape for sale at the church. This is the same individual who gave an award to

Khalid Abdullah Tariq al-Mansour (Donald Warden) is definitely a controversial figure in Barack Obamas life. A self confessed radical Muslim, advisor to the Saudi royal family, an ardent anti Semite, and former member of the Black Panthers. This man is responsible for helping to finance Barack Obamas Harvard Education.

Tony Rezco is another one of Obamas Associations that bears scrutiny. A convicted criminal and slum lord from Chicago he and Obama go way back to Obamas time as a community organizer. He was responsible for raising funds for Obamas political campaigns but was involved with Barack Obama in a land deal involving the current Obama residency and a piece of land adjoining their respective properties.

Father Phleger well what can you say about this association. Yet one more controversial figure in Obamas background but this guy is just stupid. He was also a community organizer and activist on Chicagos southside at the same time as Barack Obama and they worked with each other. He is also a close known associate of Louis Farrakhan.

Frank Raines is one of Obamas current associations. He is the former CEO of Fannie Mae and is currently advising Obama on his economic policies. He was CEO of Fanny Mae at the time all of the corruption started in the company and stole tens of millions of dollars from the company and its investors.

James Johnson is in the same position as Franklin Raines advising Barack Obama on economic policy. He is also a former CEO of Fannie Mae and also received millions of dollars from the company through corrupt practices at Fanny Mae.

Here is on of my personal favorite associations of Barack Obama Calypso Louie Louis Farrakhan. This is the man who introduced Barack Obama to al-Mansour. Farrakhan is the Supreme Minister of the Nation of Islam and is another racist and anti Semite.

Another of Obamas associations was as an attourney for ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). This organization is responsible for strong arming banks into giving high risk loans to people who couldn't afford to pay them back and is linked to the current financial crisis we face in the economy and the market now. They are considered by some to be the largest radical organization currently operating. They were also to be a recipient of tax dollars from the bailout bill that didn't pass the house last week.

Rashid Khalidi is an alleged former member of a terrorist organization (PLO). He was a professor at the University of Illinois and is currently a professor at the Columbia University. They have both been helping each other out financially.

All of those people mentioned above are known associates to Barack Obama and I have checked the facts prior to writing this post. Now lets concentrate on John McCains controversial associations.

Charles Keating is definitely a controversial association of John McCains. He is the former owner and CEO of Lincoln Savings and Loan. He was convicted of fraud, racketeering, and conspiracy. John McCain is known as one of the Keating 5. and was investigated by the Senate ethics committee and the Democrats. He was later exonerated by the committee. McCain was the only Republican investigated the other four were Democrats.

Well there you go all of the candidates known controversial associations. Now while I am not a big fan of the Keating scandal I have to say that I would take McCains one known controversial association compared to Barack Obamas 10 known controversial associations especially when they include dangerous individuals like terrorists, racist, and anti Semites. Knowing what I have just told you do you really want this man in the White House with people of these sorts influencing him I don't. I hope you all have a great day CIAO4NOW!!!!!


I agree with u I wouldnt want obama in a position with all the infuences he has had........McCain might not be the best but by these circumstances to me he is the best candidate for the job.......and with palin behind him may make it all for the best.......

October 6, 2008 at 4:24 PM  

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