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Acorn the true Nuts.....

As a political junkie i watch a lot of news and i have been aware of some interest in the organization known as Acorn (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now). After finally becoming curious as to who this organization actually is I started doing research and I have found out that they are quite possibly the most radical, militant, socialist, and left wing organization in the US.

The organization known as Acorn grew out of the New Left and its subsidiary organization the NWRO (National Welfare Rights Organization). To say the least their efforts were not what they had hoped for and were largely unsuccessful. There ideology called for flooding the welfare roles with so many clients that the welfare system would collapse under the weight of itself and would force "a radical reconstruction of Americas unjust capitalist society". What actually occurred was that families broke down and a culture of dependency was under way in the US.

Acorn has since made its name in both strong arming banks into high risk home loans, and fraudulent voter registration. With regard to their activities involving high risk loans and the banking industry they used the CRA (Community Reinvestment Act). The CRA which up to the exploitation of Acorn was thought to really have no teeth. However Acorn realized that by using regulations within the CRA they could force banks to make these loans simply by filing complaints through the CRA on behalf of minority and low wage clients. The reason this was so effective was that it held up banks abilities to form mergers that were necessary to the growth of financial institutions. They became even more successful after Freddy Mac and Fannie Mae were forced to drop their standards with regard to sub prime loans by Democrat controlled congress in the 90's.

There activities in voter registration is another way in which they attempt to push their agenda. They use their employees and volunteers to register voters in an effort to support the candidates that most favor them and their ideological beliefs which has been a source of contention because they claim that it is a non partisan effort to register voters and create voter awareness. This has been proven to be largely a lie on the part of Acorn. Currently Acorn is under investigation in as many as 15 states for voter registration fraud. Law enforcement raided the Acorn office in Las Vegas Nevada and seized computers and documents. In Indianapolis Indiana Acorn turned in so many voter registration forms that the voter registration forms actually out number eligible voters in the city. other states also report instances of potential voter fraud in their states to. Including Acorns hiring of convicted felons to register voters some of who were convicted of identity theft there can be little doubt that this organization is guilty of the accusations of fraud being leveled against them.

The current Democratic Presidential nominee is well aware of Acorns activities and has a long history of working with and pushing their agenda both in the state of Illinois and on the federal level to. His association goes all the way back to his days as a community organizer with them and other left wing groups. Obama has also served as their attorney in a lawsuit against the state of Illinois which forced the state to implement the motor voter bill and which ultimately won Obama an award known as the Legal Eagle for his participation in the suit. Madeleine Talbot even used Obama to train a new cadre of Chicago's Acorn leadership. Obamas positions on both the Woods Fund and Joyce Foundation allowed obama to steer tens of millions of dollars into Acorns coffers and helped to cement his relationship with Acorn and it's leadership both in Illinois and nationally.

Now I don't know how you folks feel but after what I have read I think that this organization is a rogue outlaw entity and it should not only be denied any further access to taxpayer dollars but that it should be dissolved because of its major roles in the sub prime mortgage crisis and its malignant abuse of and fraud with regard to its voter registration practices. I also think that its assets should be seized and returned to the taxpayers who have been cheated and robbed by these criminal practices. I have also concluded that Barack Obama is most definitely complicit and should hold some responsibility for what has been done done to main street along with his cohorts Barney Frank and Chris Dodd.

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I will see you all again tomorrow CIAO4NOW!!!!!


i agree.. you got my vote
it might not be so bad if ALL states required photo id to vote.. but that's not the case... only 24 states require any id of voters at the polls and only 7 of those require photo id

keep up the good work and ty :-D

October 9, 2008 at 7:46 PM  

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