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Eight days to go my friends till election day. Can you believe that with that in mind the only thing the Democrats can talk about is Sarah Palins wardrobe, is this really an issue? What with the economy in the toilet, two wars, and Wall Street going south they are bitching about the RNC spending a 150K on clothes for their VP nominee when most of these ego maniacal, elitist, superstar wannabes spend that on a yearly or even semi annual basis on their own wardrobes without giving it a second thought. This is virtually all I heard about in the news all weekend. As Ron White says "you can't fix stupid".

If you look at what the politicians are wearing today you will swear to god that you have never seen more Armani, Saville Row, Hong Kong tailoring in all of your born days and that's just on the gentlemen in the public eye of the political arena. the women are even more outrageous wearing the latest one of kind designer outfits where just one outfit may cost at least 1/4 to 1/3 of the price the RNC spent on an entire wardrobe.

The scary part in all of this is that this is even being talked about at all. The liberal news media can't talk about it enough, salivating like the rabid dogs that they are for any chance to attack a woman who didn't do the shopping, didn't spend the money, and doesn't even own the clothing. Apparently this is more news worthy than the market sinking to its lowest point in more than five years after a 700 billion dollar bailout bill was passed, which should never have even been proposed let alone passed.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I can think of a lot more important things i want to hear about from the news outlets, campaigns, and spin doctors than this. Well maybe I don't want to hear the spin doctors, but you all get my drift. One example of what I would like to hear from Obama is what will he do if we are attacked right here on our own soil. Another is what he will do if our allies such as Israel or the United Kingdom are attacked also.

Well this is all I have to rant about for far. If anything even remotely news worthy happens today I might write another post for all of you. Otherwise I will see all of you tomorrow with a topic just a little more important than this tripe I was forced to write about today. Have as good a Monday as possible CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Very good blog, Tim. I couldn't agree with you more. I really don't care how much money the RNC spent on her wardrobe.

October 27, 2008 at 11:39 AM  

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