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Happy hump day my friends! I’m not going to talk about the economy today, although I know that’s what is on everyone’s mind right now. Today I’m going to discuss racism and racism in the Presidential campaign.

First let’s discuss racism and the mindsets of various groups on the subject. I will be the first one to say that racism is an ugly thing and I used to be one of the most racist people you have ever met. I know from a vast amount of experience that racism is still very prevalent in our society today. It isn’t just relegated to people in the south because I have travelled all over this country and have seen it everywhere from Minnesota to California to New York. Racism is not just assigned to one group of people or used against one group of people either.

For purposes of this post however I am going to use racism against blacks as the topic, bearing in mind that a lot of blacks have racist views as well against whites and Hispanics and I may touch on that. I will tell you that I know why people are capable of so much hate when it comes to color of the skin and the primary reason is fear.

With regard to black people there was not a lot of contact between blacks and the early Europeans who settled here and those in Europe. What contact there was, was limited to the African continent where they were in their natural habitat and in the islands of the Caribbean. In those settings they were viewed as savages due to the way they had to survive against the elements, land, and the other tribes they were at war with. Understandably this created fear in the Anglos who came into contact with them.

Unfortunately for the Africans these conditions also created an environment where the tribes who won battles and wars against opposing tribes could rid themselves of their enemies by selling the people whom they defeated into bondage and thereby created the slave trade and the Europeans were the perfect customers requiring cheap labor for their plantations and factories both on the dark continent and in the new world and Europe as well. While the Europeans still feared them on their own ground in chains and on the Europeans ground they were controllable and they lived like that for a couple of centuries before slavery was abolished. The sad truth though is that it was Africans who created the slave trade not the whites.

As a result of this, there is a lot of hate and mistrust between the black and white communities to this day and there is plenty of racism on both sides. I will add this one caveat though and that is that while the blacks may believe that they were oppressed, and I am sure they were, they have their own people to blame for that oppression not just whites.

Also I will tell you that when compared to another race of people here in the United States who was also oppressed they didn’t have it as bad as they. Those people are the Native American people. During the time of slavery in the US there was a concerted effort to wipe them out. Every treaty ever made with them was broken. They were removed from their ancestral homes onto reservations where living conditions were even more deplorable than most slave operated plantations and factories. It was even said that the only good Indian was a dead Indian because they weren’t even intelligent enough to learn basic social skills considered valuable by both whites and blacks. I think they are the ones who are entitled to compensation. I sympathize with the black community on the issue but let the blacks get compensation from the people who sold them in to slavery they are still in Africa.

With regard to racism in the Presidential campaign I have looked at all the web, TV, and print I could get my hands on and the only people I found who have inserted or attempted to insert race into the race is the Democrats. There have been no racial comments made by John McCain, his surrogates, or the Republican Party. Race wasn’t even mentioned until Barack Obama brought it up as an attempt to scare his supporters and the minority voters into supporting him based on race. Of course there was the Reverend Wright thing to but I think anyone with an ounce of common sense knows he’s an idiot and a racist anyway.

That’s all for today and I’m sorry it’s late but I hope you have all found it informational. I will see you all tomorrow. Have a great day, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


i think racism sucks an evry1 shud b treated same but it aint happenin here in uk it aint the white ppl that r racist it mostly the black an asian.

September 25, 2008 at 4:59 AM  

"The sad truth though is that it was Africans who created the slave trade not the whites."

Thank You, I'm glad to see that someone else realizes that. Too bad so many don't. But it seems to fit the "victim" ideology that has taken over the country over the last 50 years, it's always someone else's fault.

gotta go before i get on a rant

Take Care and good work Tim

September 25, 2008 at 7:58 PM  

you mentioned fear as a cause for racism... i believe jealousy is another predominant cause

September 25, 2008 at 8:00 PM  

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