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Nightmare On Main street!!!!!

Hello again friends. I hope you all are having a wonderful Monday morning. Today I'm posting a post that I previously posted on another blog, but after some thought, I really felt it was appropriate here too. So, here we go….I hope you enjoy.

As a father and as a father of a special needs child in particular, my ex and I were faced with some very tough decisions when we found out that our son was going to have Downs Syndrome. One of the options given to us by the doctors was abortion, which is a very serious action to consider, and for us it was never an option. In fact, it was never considered by me with regard to any of my kids.

Now the law says that the woman has the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion and while I am personally pro life, I could not in good conscience try to make that decision for someone who has to go through a pregnancy and the possible complications that go with it. However I can educate myself on the topic of abortion and here are a couple of facts.

1) More babies have been aborted in this country than all the Jews and non Jewish people that were exterminated by Adolph Hitler during the Second World War. Does this make abortion genocide?
2) Partial birth abortion takes the baby's life even after it has had a chance to draw a breath. Do you think this is humane?
3) If you are lucky enough to survive an attempted abortion the chances are the individual performing the procedure will still end your life. Is the doctor guilty of murder?

Now it is time for me to politicize this issue and I regret having to do it. As we all know John McCain is a pro life candidate and Barack Obama is a pro choice candidate. Do you remember when John McCain picked Sarah Palin to be his running mate? I do. There was such media frenzy and so much hate poured out against the woman, simply because she was brave enough to have a special needs child. People were saying that she should have had an abortion just because the baby was born differently than most other babies. All of those old pro choice hags just could not handle the fact that she made her choice because she chose life.

I even heard it said that Barack Obama made the offer to pay for Sarah Palin's daughter to have an abortion because he didn't think she should be punished at 17 by having a baby and I also found out the Barack Obama is for abortion in any form. I personally hope that he never really made that offer. After all, it is her choice…right?

That is all I have to write about for now and I hope I haven't offended anyone here by writing this blog. It is just a few facts and what I think and feel about the subject. I hope you enjoy the video and that you look at the faces in it carefully because they could have been your baby. Thanks to the law that we have now there are many more of these children aborted than are born and simply because they are different. I don't even want to go into how many healthy babies have been aborted. Have a great day, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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