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Well here it is Tuesday already and we find that congress still doesn’t have the bill for the bailout of Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae, or AIG passed, but I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise. The President gets the bosses of the Fed and Treasury Hank Paulson and Ben Bernanke together at the White House to find out how to repair this current economic crisis and these guys work all weekend to get the work done and present it to Congress on Monday and the geniuses in control of both houses hold it up because they are not satisfied.

The reason that these politicians claim they are not satisfied is because they want more oversight, tighter regulation, and salary caps for the execs that are going to run things. What they are not telling you and I the American taxpayer is that they also want to load it up with a lot of pork (earmarks).

They want to put in things like a stimulus package and help for homeowners who are about to lose their homes. These are the same people who got outrageous home loans that they never could have paid back in the first place because they were low income high risk candidates for credit. Of course we the taxpayers will have to foot the bill to let them stay in a home they still can’t afford even after they get refinanced or what ever. This is just one example.

Then of course you have the respective candidates out stumping yesterday and running their mouths about what they would do about this particular problem. You have John McCain telling everyone he has a plan to deal with this crisis which he has gone to great lengths to discuss. Of course he also holds Barack Obama and the Democratic Party responsible for this mess we are in.

However I am not going to tell you he is wrong about the Democrats because three years ago he announced that this could and would happen with Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac and he introduced legislation to regulate and oversee these run away train wrecks waiting to happen and the Democrats shot the bill down. At the time Barack Obama wasn’t even in the US Senate so he had nothing to do with it. You can blame it on Senators Chris Dodd and Barney Frank though; it is their committees that allowed this to happen.

Then there is the anointed one, Barack Obama, telling everyone that John McCain has been in Washington for ever and has not even tried to do anything about this, which is a total falsehood. On top of which this guy doesn’t even have a plan in place to deal with the problem at hand although he has said that he spoke to Secretary of the Treasury Paulson and he is waiting to see what will happen. In the mean time he has as his financial advisors, two people who made tens of millions of dollars while working at Fanny Mae while all of those shenanigans were going on, and those two men are Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson. I think Obama should ask them to give back all the money they got while driving that federally created corporation into the ground…..yeah right!!!!!

As for the candidates plans or lack of plans to deal with this financial problem they don’t matter anyway because neither one of them is in the White House or in any kind of position to do anything about it anyway other than vote for or against the bill when it comes to the Senate floor for a vote. What congress ought to do is leave the bill as presented to them by Secretary Hank Paulson alone and just pass the damn thing, then get out of the way. As for oversight, I believe that Paulson is more than capable of appointing an oversight board that will actually be there to oversee these companies being bailed out.

That’s all for now I hope you all have found this post informative. It is all true but I urge you to research the subject yourself and decide what you believe. Have a great day, CIAO4NOW!!!!!

P.S. To Nancy Pelosi.....Yes the democrats are responsible for this problem because you created the monsters that fell!!!!!


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