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Guilt By Association?????

Good day my friends. I hope this finds you all happy, wise, healthy, and wealthy. It is time for the Wednesday installment of Simple Man Politics and we are going to discuss part 3 of the O’Reilly/Obama interview which is about Obama’s associations with radicals and racists.

The first association that they discussed was Obama’s association with Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Obama indicated that the relationship between them was as pastor and a member of the congregation. He told O’Reilly that he joined a church to worship God and that all that stuff about Wright being his spiritual mentor he had consistently discussed in the past. He stated that he hadn’t heard Wright make any offensive statements. It should be pointed out though that Wright was selling recordings of his preaching’s in the lobby of his church. You would have to wonder how Obama never heard of Wrights beliefs in all the time he attended his church. Obama went on to add that the relationship had been ruptured and he was no longer a member of the church. As for Father Phleger, he met him while doing work in the community same as Wright.

Their next topic of conversation was the relationship between Obama and Ayres, which Obama accused O’Reilly of hyping. Obama stated that their friendship went no further than the fact that they served together on the board of the Woods Foundation. He also stated that the bombings by the Weather Underground, Bill Ayers, and his wife occurred when he was 8 years old. Obama went on to say that just because he knew Ayers and worked with him did not mean he supported his views. O’Reilly mentioned a youth crime bill that was being lobbied which would have given juvenile violent offenders adult prison time after the second offense.

Personally I can’t hold Obama responsible for what someone did when he was 8 years old. However I can hold him responsible for the associations and relationships he chooses to cultivate. I honestly do not believe that you can attend a pastor’s church for 20 years and not know his religious and personal views especially when he was rumored to be Obama’s spiritual mentor.

On the subject of Bill Ayers I personally think that Obama was well aware of Ayers beliefs and should have distanced himself form Ayers from the start. I will not be comfortable with a President who has had a relationship with a terrorist.

As far as Father Phleger is concerned I believe anyone who thinks that Farrakhan is a great man is on some sort of hallucinogenic and is in serious need of rehab and re-education. Farrakhan is the ultimate racist and anti-Semite.

I’m not telling you who or what to believe because you have to figure that out for yourself. For me, the choice is easy. It’s either a war hero patriot or a socialist subversive and I pick the war hero patriot. That's just good simple politics for me. I will see you guys tomorrow to discuss tonight’s part 4 of the O’Reilly/Obama interview which is the last part of the interview. The link for the interview is at the bottom of the post. Have a good night, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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