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A Real Economic Stimulus Plan

Well here we are…it's Friday and still no bailout plan for Freddy Mac, Fanny Mae, and AIG. This doesn’t surprise me in the least bit and I personally don’t think they should bail out these companies anyway.

As far as John McCain and Barack Obama suspending their campaigns to go back to Washington to work on getting a deal done that everyone will agree to, I think this is impossible. So I am glad they decided to go ahead and have the debate and get the hell out of D.C.

I am much more interested in what they will have to say on foreign policy and national security; however I don’t think that the debate is going to be solely about those two topics now. I think we are going to have to listen to them talk about what they would do about this trouble on Wall Street if they were President. It doesn’t matter what they would or will do as president right now because neither one of them are the President.

I think if the Administration and Congress really want to do something about the economy and the trouble in the financial markets, then they should consider a stimulus package that actually will stimulate the economy for the long term and I have a real good idea for one.

A friend of mine sent me an email earlier this week which describes the idea I have and which inspired it. At first I thought the idea ludicrous but after looking at the figures and considering how I would do it, I came up with the Tim’s Economic Stimulus Package. Anyway thank you my friend who sent me the email…you know who you are.

Here is my idea.
1) Don’t even think about the idea of 700 billion dollars 85 billion dollars should do which is the same amount as the bailout for AIG by the way.
2) Divide the 85 billion dollars by the amount of US citizens over the Age of 18 and I mean all of them even those who are on public assistance and give it to them that will total about 450 thousand dollars approximately per person. They would have to agree to pay off all of their debts though before they can spend it or invest it or they don’t get the money.
3) Tax that money at a rate of 25% to 30% which will automatically go back to the government.
4) Nobody gets a tax refund check for at least 5 years.

The result of this kind of economic stimulus package would be felt over night. There would be tax revenue for the government so they wouldn’t feel like they were being left out. The Democrats and republicans would feel like they actually helped their constituents. There would be no outstanding big debt amongst the citizens of this great country. Retail sales would boom like it was the biggest Christmas ever. Wall Street would explode with new investments and capital and the free market would be stronger than ever. There would be no more government created corporations like Freddy Mac or Fannie Mae they are dead weight and would simply cease to exist. This is all good isn’t it?

Unfortunately this will never happen because they don’t really feel like helping John Q Public. This is because 99.998 percent of the politicians out there are greedy bastards. You can lump about the same amount of corporate CEO’s into that same category. What they all want is to keep the American people down and their boots firmly planted on our necks that way they can all feel good about being the people with power and in control of virtually every kitchen table decision we all have to make in our day to day lives.

Sorry about the rant there but all this just pisses me off, so I am going to stop now before I pop a blood vessel or 10. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and I will see all of you on Monday, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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