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Politics In Review

Well folks its Friday, which means we all have survived another week of the Grind so T.G.I.F. This week has seen some important political decisions made both here and around the world. So today this blog is just going to recap what I think are the important topics that have seen some action.

Obama stimulus Package and Congressional Response:
Yesterday Obama publicly addressed the subject of his economic stimulus package citing dire consequences if we don’t get it passed as soon as he takes office. He really didn’t really go into specifics about most of his economic plan though. Apparently the Dems on the hill were listening to what little details he did give away, and they do not appear to be very happy with him about some of his tax cuts, stating those feelings publicly. I think they are worried they won’t have enough of our money to spend if they don’t tax us to death even more.

UN Ceasefire Resolution and outcome:
A couple of day ago the UN Security Council voted on a cease fire resolution for Israel and Hamas, Which the US abstained from voting for or against, and which Israel and Hamas soundly rejected. This was something that I was not surprised by, since I believe that as long as Hamas exists there will be no peace in the Palestinian territories.

Burris appointment and likely outcome:
Early this week after the Senate refused to seat Roland Burris who was appointed by embattled Governor Rod Blagojevich of Illinois to fill Obama’s vacant Senate seat because the Illinois Secretary of State didn’t certify Blago’s signature, filed suit in the Illinois State Supreme Court to get a judgment ordering the Secretary of state to do so. It looks like there may be a response from the court sometime today or early next week, and Burris will be seated. I personally think the signature should have been certified when Blago made the appointment, and Burris seated immediately.

Blago impeachment:
Today the Illinois House of Representatives impeached Governor Blagojevich. However the Illinois State Senate will not meet on this subject until after the Presidential inauguration, so Illinois is stuck with Blago for a couple of more weeks.

Obama appointments:
Also today Obama announced the last three picks for his National Security team. He appointed former Admiral Blair to fill the post of National Intelligence director, which I think is a very good pick. Admiral Blair has excellent credentials in the intelligence community.

Obama also appointed Leon Panetta to the post of CIA Director, an appointment I am not to sure about. While Panetta did have access to high level Intel briefings during his stint as White House Chief of staff under Bill Clinton, he has no practical experience within the Intel community.

Obama rounded out his national security and intelligence picks by appointing National Counterterrorism Center Director John Brennan to be his top terrorism advisor on the National Security Council. I think this is definitely the right man for the job.

Palin Response to Caroline Kennedy Seeking Vacant Clinton Senate Seat:
Apparently Alaska Governor and former Republican VP Candidate Sarah Palin feel’s that Caroline Kennedy is getting softer press treatment in her pursuit of Hillary Clintons now vacant New York Senate Seat than she did in her GOP run for VP in the 2008 national election, due to Kennedy’s social class. How can Palin be so surprised I’m not the Democratic Party is built on elitist class distinctions, at least on the east coast.

Well that’s all of it for this week my friends I hope it is enough to keep you thinking for the weekend. I will be back next week with more political news and analysis for all of you. Until then have a wonderful weekend, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


I can't help but wonder whats going to happen in politics today, and a little worried to.

January 12, 2009 at 6:23 AM  

Isn't it funny that although the Illinois governor was impeached, he was still able to appoint someone to Obama's open seat in the senate?

January 13, 2009 at 3:54 PM  

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