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Hello all my friends I am sorry that was not here yesterday but as you know life happens. However I am here today and I have something to say and something to write about. Today’s post will be short and to the point so if you’re ready here we go.

First I have something to say and that is way to go Sully. Sully is the pilot of the US Airways flight that landed in the Hudson River yesterday. He did an awesome job landing that aircraft after losing both engines to a flock of geese that fouled them. He also did an awesome job of making sure that all of his passengers got out of the aircraft safely before he to exited the plane. The man’s a hero and deserves the thanks of his passengers, crew, and the US people.

Today I am going to write a little bit more about our out going President George W, Bush. I watched his farewell speech on the boob tube. I think he did an excellent job on giving his farewell speech to the people of the United States. He defended his Presidency humbly but vigorously.

He also admitted that there were some things he would have done differently if he could but noted that everything he did he did for the American people. He also cited the fact that we have not had an attack on US soil since 9/11 due largely to the efforts and successes of his administration, congress, and the agencies involved in insuring our protection.

Overall I would have to say that I agreed with him on the things that hew said. I would also say to all of you out there that like him or not he loves his country and the people and did everything possible to protect us and our way of life.

I really do believe that he is an honest and honorable man who understood that the buck stopped at his feet and he was the one who had to make the hard choices. I am very sure that being President of the United States cannot be an easy job. In my view this gentleman is a patriot of our nation.

His detractors, those bush haters who suffer from BDS (Bush Derangement Syndrome) are salivating at the chance to take one more shot at the man and will do so simply because free speech is a right. They care nothing for the man or the office and have no real sense of right and wrong. These people only feel good about themselves when they can tear another man down, especially one that doesn’t worry about his or anyone else’s popularity. I personally feel sorry for those pitiless creatures.

That is all I have to say for today. I hope you all have a glorious weekend, T.G.I.F. CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Great post Tim keep telling the truth and keep up the good work.

January 19, 2009 at 11:58 AM  

I agree 100%. Bush was honest and sincere. This is more than you can say for some presidents that have sat in that office.

I'd rather have a president that is honest and makes a mistake than one that covers up his mistakes and lies to the American people all the time, living on a pretense of grandeur and promises that he'll never fulfill.

January 19, 2009 at 7:50 PM  

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