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Way to go House republicans, every one of you voted against the 819 BILLION DOLLAR stimulus package. I don’t know how you did it but you got 12 Dem’s to vote against it to. I guess there is still some common sense left in Washington after all.

The stimulus package that was put forth by the Obama administration and rammed through the lower house by Speaker Pelosi is supposed to jumpstart the economy and do it fast. The problem is that a lot of what is in the package won’t even start having an effect until after 2010. The stimulus will do very little to help the economy right away, which is when our economy needs it the most.

Most of the funds in the bill for infrastructure are for projects that have not even been planned let alone started yet. There is almost no funding for current projects that are underway that would create the job’s that are needed, which is part of our economic problem right now. Those new jobs that will come from building infrastructure will not show up before the middle of 2010 at the earliest.

The other problem with the just passed stimulus package is that it doesn’t have any significant tax cuts for small business or entrepreneurs who create a significant portion of jobs in the market place, and who invest in their businesses to continue to grow.

With out these small companies, businessmen, and investors out there doing what they are supposed to do unemployment will continue to rise, people will lose their homes, and the small business man will wind up closing the doors of their businesses.

The other problem is that this spending package is filled with more pork than Jimmy Dean sausage. This has turned into a monumental spending wish list by the Democratic Party. I thought that the President said that he would not put forth a bill that contained any pork.

For example there is over 4 BILLION DOLLARS in the bill for groups like ACORN. There is more in the package for special interest groups, but this is just one example. I guess it’s time for Obama and the Dems to pay back their supporters and to do it with our money.

I have to wonder just how easily this 819 BILLION DOLLAR stimulus package will pass the US Senate. I can only hope that the Senate Republicans will stand united and vote against this bill. I also hope that they can sway enough Democrats into voting against it as well. If not then I hope they can filibuster this in to obscurity, because it is a monumental waste of tax payer dollars. Of course the Democrats want to build a monument to their idea of government and on our backs they will do it.

Have a great day my friends and I will be back again soon CIAO4NOW!!!!!


I agree with you, this bailout plan is ridiculous. It's no bailout, that's for sure. Meanwhile the economy is going to get worse. Of course Obama will just blame it all on Bush.

January 29, 2009 at 8:51 PM  

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