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Well my friends it seems to me that the Dem’s can’t stop shooting themselves in the foot. Talk about the GOP being disorganized, leaderless, and powerless to do anything, well the Dems are doing all of that to themselves, and the hits just keep on coming. This time it is Nancy Pelosi providing the Ammo.

First you got the number three in line to the throne of our great nation Nancy Pelosi. She told Stephanopoulos in an interview that her plan to put millions of dollars into the stimulus plan for family planning services (Abortions) would help financially strapped states and that it would help to stimulate the economy. Of course Stephanopoulos didn’t press the speaker for any details as to how she came to her deduction. Is this woman really that stupid or did she have to practice to be so good at it.

As I predicted she also shot down the idea of using Alcatraz as a facility to house the Gitmo detainees, no surprise there though. Much to her chagrin the idea won’t go away either thanks to House Minority Leader John Boehner. He has brought up the idea on NBC’s Meet the Press stating that “if liberals believe they ought to go maybe we ought to open Alcatraz”. Speaker Pelosi says the idea is not a serious proposal because that the island is now a national park. However the Rock has served as a military installation, prison, and a federal prison and is more than suited to the task.

Of course the best piece of ammo here for the GOP is definitely the idea of family planning funds in the stimulus package. I think they should attack this with gusto. However I personally believe that the stimulus will not carry any funds for this because of the firestorm of controversy sparked by Speaker Pelosi’s comments.

As for more ammo for the right they can take comfort in the fact that since the inauguration of the anointed one Barack Hussein Obama his personal approval rating has dropped from about 82% to approximately 62% as of this past Monday. So much for the spirit of bi-partisanship, I guess the good times are already over for Camelot.

I can’t wait to see what happens next. Have a great day my friends and I will be back again real soon, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Yes...Pelosi is THAT stupid. LOL.

Good post!

January 27, 2009 at 8:34 PM  

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