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Not much has happened that I really didn’t expect to happen except for one thing. What I did not expect was what Weather Channel Founder John Coleman had to say about global warming and Al Gore the inventor of the internet…..NOT!!!!! Once you hear what Mr. Coleman had to say I’m sure you will be taken by surprise as well.

John Coleman founder of the Weather Channel and now a weatherman at San Diego’s KUSI posted on his stations website that Al Gore refuses to acknowledge the faulty research on which the idea of global warming is based.

This statement came as the former VP and Nobel Peace Prize winner addressed the Senate Foreign Relations Committee urging law makers to be the leaders on a global climate treaty and to pass a bill placing caps on heat trapping gases.

John Coleman also went on to say that the EPA is on the brink of naming CO2 as a pollutant. He further stated that all of Washington DC seemed to be on the same bandwagon, and that the idea of CO2 being a pollutant is just silliness. Mr. Coleman said that he was sure that there was no scientific basis for any of this CO2 nonsense.

Finally he concluded that Global Warming is just a hoax and it is bad science, and it is the hijacking of public policy. Saying that this is not a joke and it is the greatest scam in history.

It is about time people take off the blinders and see this Global Warming gag for what it really is. All it is is a way for the Government to take more control over the way we live our lives by saying you can’t do this and you can’t do that because you are hurting the planet. All this is is socialist propaganda designed to rule the uneducated far left loons who suffer from INTELLIPHOBIA. (Fear of Intelligent Thought)

There is absolutely no scientific evidence that states unequivocally that we are doing irreparable harm to the planet. There is also no defining scientific data that says the earth is in a warming trend, if anything the opposite appears to be the case. There are over 600 world renowned scientists who support the theory that Global Warming is a hoax and that the planet cools and warms in cycles. Since we have been monitoring the planet for only a short time the hard data still proves this to be apparently true.

That’s all for today my friends except for one brief note. Starting next week and from time to time on occasion I will be having a guest writer on my blog and her name is Joy Burgess. She is a conservative woman and a talented writer and blogger. The reason for this is two fold.

First I think a woman’s perspective on politics is quite unique and you may get something out of what she has to say. Secondly I am starting another blog on entertainment, the arts, literature, music, etc etc etc. As a result unless something totally earth shattering happens in the political arena I will most likely only post three times a week, Monday’s, Wednesday’s, and Friday’s.

I hope you all have a fabulous weekend and I will be back again next week, CIAO4NOW!!!!!

P.S. Check out Joy’s blog it is on my page and is called American Politics for the Conservative Woman.


I gotta tell ya....I love that picture. I've never thought that the global warming idea was anything more than tripe anyway.

Just think...if Al Gore would shut his mouth...the glaciers would stop

January 30, 2009 at 3:44 PM  

Is there really proof that there is NOT global warming? After all, this is a highly debated subject. Can you really throw it all out???

January 30, 2009 at 3:54 PM  

I knew Al was the one responsible for Global Warming!

January 30, 2009 at 9:11 PM  

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