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A Gitmo Solution!!!!!

Well its official folks, our brand new President has signed an executive order to close down the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility that currently houses the illegal enemy combatants that we have captured in our war on terror. He also signed a couple of other executive orders pertaining to national security but this is the one the worries me the most, because some of the people there were involved in the 9/11 attacks while others were trying to kill US citizens and soldiers.

I guess it was inevitable the Obama would ultimately cave in to international pressure and the UN in an effort to become popular with the international community. I can only hope that he has given some serious thought as to where we are going to put these terrorists while we figure out how to try them for their crimes. These people are definitely a danger to American lives, especially if they are brought to the continental US to be held while awaiting the outcome in their cases.

Personally I believe that we should send these animals back to whatever countries they come from. Unfortunately for them and fortunately for us most of them would be executed on the spot if they were to be returned to their home countries. However being the great humanitarians that we are even with those who have attacked us, we won’t do that, although I personally don’t care what happens to those animals, because the only good terrorist is a dead terrorist. Besides, what good are they to us if we can’t get any intelligence out of them?

If we do have to house them in an alternate location I like an idea that I thought of and have heard mentioned a couple of times after I thought of it. I think we should reopen Alcatraz Island Penitentiary in San Francisco Bay. I am sure that Nancy Pelosi being the great humanitarian that she is would have no problems with having 250 plus terrorists in her own backyard. Since Alcatraz is a federal penitentiary I see no problem with holding them there with a few 21st century technological modifications and a strong military presence on the island.

Just to prove that most of those who are held in Guantanamo are dangerous to us. There is currently a report of a former prisoner of Gitmo who was released back to Saudi Arabia his home country has since found his way to Yemen and has become the number two man in Al Qaeda there. His name is Said Ali al-Shihri and his prison number was 372. I guess we did a lousy job of rehabilitating this poor misunderstood man. Yeah right, a dog by any other name is still a dog and this one is rabid.

That’s all for today my friends I will see you all next week unless something else comes up that makes my blood boil. Have a wonderful weekend, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


This pisses me off too. Oh yes...let's bring all the terrorists into the country. Let's treat them with dignity and's all a bunch of political crap.

I believe that this is a slap in the face to those that lost their lives on 9-11, to their families, and all those who have lost lives fighting for our country. We are at war. It's not a damn tea party going on where everyone has to show their manners.

I think this move makes Obama look soft to the world. Basically he's saying "go ahead terrorists...attack on our soil...and we'll make sure you get all your rights handed to you. If you're real may even get off with nothing at all."

It's pathetic Mr. Obama. I just hope if terrorists attack our country, they take out the crazies that make these types of stupid decisions, not innocent people.

January 23, 2009 at 8:54 AM  

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