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Hello all my friends, I hope this finds you all well. Normally I would not be posting another blog so quickly, because I have just posted one. However, with Labor Day coming up, the fact that I won’t be around, and John McCain making his Vice Presidential pick the day after the Democratic National Convention, the very convention where Barack Obama and Joe Biden accepted their party’s nomination for President and Vice President, I feel it is necessary for me to write this blog post today. Also the next post will be on Wednesday during the Republican National Convention.

Early Friday morning August 29, 2008, the McCain campaign indicated that he had made his VP pick. Some of those considered to be on the short list like Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty indicated that they were not the nominee that McCain had picked and that they had no knowledge of who the pick was. Shortly there after John McCain announced that his pick was Sarah Palin, the female Republican Governor of the state of Alaska. On the heels of the Democratic National Convention, where Barack Obama became the first black American, to be nominated by a major party for President, a party that also could have had the first woman nominee for President in Hillary Clinton, this was a major shock to all the media and political insiders. It also prompted an instant attack by Obama and company. They automatically attacked her for being to young, having no foreign policy experience, and having a special needs child instead of an abortion, how nice.

Sara Palin has not been in politics very long. She was raised in a middle class home, her parents both working for a school in Sand Point, Idaho. Her mother was the school secretary, and her father was a science teacher and track coach.

Sarah attended high school at Wasilla High School in Alaska where she played on the girl’s basketball team, and was their captain and a fierce point guard earning the nickname Sarah Barracuda. She also led the Fellowship of Christian Athletes there as well.

In 1984 Palin won the Miss Wasilla beauty contest, and finished second in the Miss Alaska pageant where she won a college scholarship. She now holds a bachelors degree in journalism from the University of Idaho, and a minor in political science.

Her career scope is pretty varied. She worked as a sports reporter for local Anchorage television stations while at the same time working as a commercial fisherwoman with her husband whom she married on August 29, 1988.

In 1992 Sarah Palin began her career in politics. Running for city council in Wasilla, as a supporter of a controversial new sales tax, she served two consecutive terms on the council. In 1996 she defeated the incumbent mayor of Wasilla where she served two consecutive terms as well. Sarah Palin was also elected President of the Alaska Conference of Mayors. In 2002 Palin lost a bid for Lt Governor to Loren Leman. Palin received an appointment to the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission where she served from 2003 to 2004 when she resigned in protest of fellow Alaskan Republican leaders for what she claimed was a lack of ethics. In 2006 Palin won the gubernatorial election for Governor in Alaska defeating incumbent Governor Murkowski running on a clean government campaign. On August 29, 2008, Sarah Palin was named as the Republican Vice Presidential nominee by John McCain for the party.

All in all I would say that Mrs. Palin has had a remarkable life for someone from the middle class. She is really just a normal everyday regular Joe type. Make no mistake about it though I think she is an excellent choice for VP and very dangerous to the Democratic ticket for the White House. She has a little bit of legislative experience in her city council terms, and a lot more executive experience in her two terms as a Mayor and her first term as Governor in Alaska, which I think makes her more than qualified to be in the White House with regard to executive experience versus Obama. As far as experience in commanding the military she is currently the Commander in Chief of the Alaska National Guard. She also has some experience with dealing with foreign nations as ships from many countries dock at Alaska’s ports. But I am sure she will leave foreign policy to John McCain who has approximately 26 years in that arena, as well as dealing with issues of the military, and intelligence. As far as the economy and the budget goes with Palin’s executive experience, and McCain’s legislative experience I think they have that very well covered.

I hope you all have a grand weekend, and an awesome labor day, and I will see you on Wednesday to talk about the Republican National Convention. I hope you guy’s enjoy the video too, CIAO4NOW!!!!!

P.S. Check out this new site I found.


This was a good blog today and i want to thank you for ur information on Sarah...I think a woman vice president would help with our country.......they need to start somewhere.....jumping into president right off the back is not the place to start but vice president will show that a woman can help with the running of the country just as well as a man. By giving her a chance McCain will be giving Obama a run in the political battle. I think it will help in his campaign tremendously. It also gives me insight on who to vote for by u giving us details on everyones points and ideas..because I dont watch all that battle between the candidates. Thank you again Tim for the info......ur a real service for this country.

August 30, 2008 at 11:40 AM  

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