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Hello everybody it's time for another installment of Simple Man Politics. I hope you had a great weekend. This week we have the Democratic National Convention taking place in the mile high city of Denver, Colorado, so this weeks posts are going to be dedicated to Barack Obama, his Vice Presidential pick, Joe Biden, and their party’s and member’s direction through the convention, and beyond. Today we are going to concentrate on Obama. Are you all ready to get started? I am, so let's do it.

We all know that Barack Obama was a nobody when he threw his hat in the ring for his party’s nomination for President in the 2008 race for the White House. He got his start in politics as a community organizer and eventually moved up to state senator for eight years in the state of Illinois. Then he moved up to the US Senate where he is a first term senator, but it was only a short time before he decided to run for President of the United States. His first step into the national spotlight came at the 2004 Democratic National Convention where he gave the keynote speech to the party for the Kerry/Edwards ticket.

Since Barack Obama announced his bid for the Party nomination on Febuary 10, 2007, he has come from virtual obscurity to being his party’s Presidential nominee. He has dispatched his opponents handily, including the then presumptive front runner Hillary Rodham Clinton, who hung on until every last state and delegate was counted. He did this by saying that he was against the war in Iraq from the beginning, saying it was the hardest decision of his political career. He also stated that he is in full support of Roe v Wade, nationalized health care, levying more taxes on the wealthy, supports tighter gun control legislation, and no more drilling or discovering our own domestic sources of energy. Obama also said that he was for invading Pakistan if Osama Bin Laden is located there.

Obama’s meteoric rise to superstar status within the Democratic Party hasn’t been with out incident. First there was his association with the racist and possibly anti Semitic Reverend Jeremiah Wright, whom Obama claimed was his mentor for many years, while claiming he never knew the good reverends views on race and nation. Next came his apparent relationship with the Weather Undergrounds very own Bill Ayers, a homegrown terrorist who is proud of the bombings against the US by his organization, and who says his only wish was that they could have done more. Let us not forget Obama’s own wife the charming Michelle Obama who claims that she had never been proud of her country until her husband won the Democratic Party nomination, and also said the United States was a very mean country.

Then after all of that, he picks as a Vice Presidential running mate, Joe Biden, who not even two weeks ago stated that Obama didn’t have the experience or seasoning it took to be President of these United States. Last but not least, lest we forget, Obama has a problem with Americans clinging to their god and guns, and cannot even give a straight answer on any issue. His favorite words seem to be "um", and "uh", and words of that nature - befitting of a man with a Harvard education?

Well there you have him, Barack Hussein Obama in a nutshell. I don’t understand how the war in Iraq could be one of his hardest decisions when he wasn’t even a US Senator at the time the war was commenced. As for his stance with regard to the myriad of other issues he says he supports, they all just prove him to be your typical tax and spend democrat, and don’t for one minute think your taxes won’t be raised, because if he gets elected and rolls back the Bush tax cuts your taxes will surely go up. As for universal health care, that along with his views on taxation and the economy, only proves to me once again that he is a committed socialist, and committed to the idea that he knows better than you what is good for you. One more thing, on the subject of energy…drill here, drill now, and help keep our country secure, and explore all the different types of energy like natural gas, wind, geothermal, and nuclear, its just good simple politics.

That’s all I have to say on the subject of the Democratic Presidential Nominee Barack Hussein Obama. Like I always say though, while I report the facts to you, you still have to decide for yourself. I hope you all have a great day and I will see you all on Wednesday, CIAO4NOW!!!!!

Check out this cool video my significant other made!!!!!


We only have two choices for president, Obama & McCain, neither is perfect, so I have to decide which one I can live with! Obama & Michele will get my vote.
If I could pick Jim Leach R Iowa, I believe he would be the optimal choice! He spoke at the demo convention. He let the reps & dems both have it for not working together to solve our countries problems.
As for Michele being a good public speaker v Hillary, give me a break, Hillary has had more experience. I believe Michele does better when she doesn't follow a prepared speech, I don't Hillary could do as good as she does without the prepared speeches!
tc tim,
Bridgette, aka sandy

August 28, 2008 at 12:40 PM  

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