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Good day my friends. Welcome to Fridays installment of Simple Man Politics. Since this is the last post of the week, I decided to make this blog about a very controversial issue in politics. This one is going to be about gun rights, a truly emotional issue between both Democrats and Republicans. This issue, like many others within politics, is very emotional such as Roe v Wade, health care, and Social Security. However, of these issues, it is the only one which involves a constitutional right, (the 2nd amendment) and the attempts by some people to wrest those rights away from us.

The second amendment has become even more important recently because of a Supreme Court ruling in June of this year saying that the ban on privately owned weapons in D.C. was unconstitutional. (District of Columbia v Heller) This ruling was a defeat to those who believe that private ownership of guns should be the law of the land. These gun control advocates say that by banning privately owned weapons there will be fewer violent crimes committed. If that doesn't work, then they think that we should make gun control laws more restrictive. They even advocate registering each weapon so they know who owns what kind of weapon and where it is located, as another form of controlling the citizenry so that we don’t have the ability to police or defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. Remember big brother is always watching you.

On the other side of the subject, the gun rights advocates will tell you that if you outlaw guns, then only outlaws will have them, and that a law abiding citizen who has the right to carry a weapon concealed or otherwise is a deterrent to violent crime. States like Florida have even passed laws that protect "conceal carry" permit holders from prosecution if they are involved in gunplay, and are not committing crimes, like the Stand Your Ground Law.

Our candidates for president this year definitely have very different views on this subject. John McCain is definitely a pro gun rights candidate, and Barack Obama is definitely a no gun rights candidate. The side by side comparison makes that abundantly clear, as does their voting record on the matter.

However in recent years there has been a gradual change on the left towards being pro gun rights and this is particularly true in New Mexico. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson has a solid history of being a pro gun rights democrat in a party where that seems to be a most unpopular stance, given the attitudes of members of the party from both coasts where their answer is always no, no, and no. Most of the democrats in office in New Mexico seem to be cut from the same cloth as Bill Richardson as well. If the Democratic Party could adopt the same views as this Governor and put this issue behind them I believe they would have won far more National Elections instead of giving them to the Republicans.

Now I will be honest with you. When I vote, at least 50% of my consideration for voting for a presidential candidate, or even a senatorial or congressional candidate, is their voting record or stand on gun rights, because I am a pro gun rights voter. After that the other 50% of my consideration is relegated to issues like national defense, the economy, and social security. This is because I will not trust any candidate that would attempt to take away my constitutional right to bear arms, because these are people who think they know what is better for you than you do. That is just goods simple politics for me. As usual, I will tell you that all I can do is find out the facts for you, but you must still make up your mind where you stand on this issue. I hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and I will see you all on Monday, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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