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The Three Wise men?????

Hey my friends, how are you all doing today? This, thank God, is the last post of the week, and last night was the last night of the Democratic National Convention. This post is going to be dedicated to the three speeches given by Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama. I will try to make this short, sweet, and to the point. If you all are ready now, I’ll begin.

Let’s begin with Bill Clinton’s speech. I will have to admit that every time he stands up and gives a speech I am awestruck by the way he commands the stage and works the crowd. The ultimate ring master, Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus could not have put on a better show. The speech was approximately 30 minutes in length and Bill used every second of it to spread the Democrat message. He spoke about Hillary’s run for the Presidential nomination of the party and how proud he was of her. He also spoke about Obama, his character, and his qualifications to be President. He spoke to the lunch pail voters and the women voters who were Hillary’s back bone and wove for them a utopian vision with Obama and the Democrats in power. Of course there was your usual attack of the Republicans and John McCain, while saying that he liked and respected him. All in all it was the quintessential democrat speech, thoroughly motivational, full of holes and half truths, and at least one or two omissions of the truth. It was definitely the best of three speeches we are discussing.

What can I say about Joe Biden and his speech? You got to like the guy - the poorest Senator in Washington. He is a working class guy, born in Scranton, PA, fought is way up and along the way had a failed campaign for the Presidential nomination of his party and has spent the last 30 years in the Senate where he represents the state of Delaware. Now Joe is the Vice Presidential nominee for his party, and his acceptance speech was everything you would expect to hear from him. He gave the usual Democrat speech supporting all of their pet causes, praising Hillary, her run, and how great a friendship they possess. Of course there were the pre requisite attacks against the Republicans, and John McCain, while at the same time admitting he respected McCain and called him a friend. He also swore his oath of fealty to Barack Obama, and even went so far as to say he was infinitely more qualified to be President than John McCain. A very flat speech though, so it gets the #3 spot of the Gentlemen who spoke on Wednesday and Thursday evenings.

Last, but most certainly not least, the anointed one - Barack Obama. Obama’s speech said everything we expected it to, from how the Democrats know better than the Republicans, to four more years under McCain is the same as the last eight years we got from the Bush administration. He said he would end the war in Iraq, and put more resources in to Afghanistan. He renewed his support for abortion rights, and universal healthcare, and the party’s energy plan. He spoke of tax cuts for the middle class, his support of organized labor, and he spoke of closing the tax loop holes for corporations who make massive windfall profits, and doing the same to small business, and entrepreneurs. He also discussed the great campaign that Hillary Rodham Clinton ran for the party Presidential nomination. Last of all, he discussed how the Republicans have it all wrong, only the Democrats know what is right, and that while John McCain might be a decorated war hero, and a patriot who loves his country, he is out of touch with the American people, and that he (Barack) is more qualified to lead the nation with his vast experience. A very well thought out and prepared speech, better than Biden’s, but not as good as Clinton's. Just like the others, it is full of holes and full of omissions of the truth. This speech is definitely #2 of the three speeches we have heard from this men in the last two days.

In closing I would just like to say, that I thought their effort to unify their party was admirable and to some extent successful. However I don’t think they made their case as well as they would have liked. I don’t think that there is as much unity as they like, and I can’t help but wonder how much their proposed utopian society is going to cost us when it comes time to pay for it. It IS going to cost, and cost at least billions of dollars. That can mean only one thing - raise taxes, and then spend the money…it’s the Democrat way. Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend, and to all of my US readers have a wonderful Labor Day to, ciao4now!!!!!

Enjoy the video!!!!!


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