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As you all know the arena of politics has lost one of its greatest gamesman in Ted Kennedy who is commonly referred to as “The Lion of the Senate”. Unfortunately Ted Kennedy does not appear to be the only loss suffered by his death last week. Another casualty of Kennedy’s passing is the 60 seat filibuster-proof majority in the Senate that the Democrats enjoyed, and they want it back.

What the Democratic Party in both Washington D.C. and Massachusetts want is to change the law in Massachusetts that would allow the governor Deval Patrick (D-MA) to appoint a replacement for Ted Kennedy’s seat until the special election to fill the seat is held this coming January. The law they want to overturn is the same law they passed in 2004 to keep Gov Mitt Romney (R-MA) from appointing a replacement for John Kerry if Kerry had won the Presidency.

It appears to me that the Democratic Party intends to keep Massachusetts firmly in the blue state column. They also appear to be willing to change the rules to suit themselves without any regard whatsoever. The Democrats seem so worried about a filibuster occurring during the upcoming fight for healthcare reform after the summer recess that they are salivating over the loss of their 60th Senate seat. In all likelihood the seat would be filled by a Democrat after the special election anyway.

It appears to me though that even with the 60 seat majority in the Senate, that the Democratic Party would be unable to pass a healthcare reform bill, because there is so much opposition within their own party against the bill. The opposition against the bill not only includes Democrat Senators, but a majority of tax payers are vehemently opposed to the bill as well.

I personally hope that when the Massachusetts State Legislature holds a public hearing this September 9th to discuss changing the state law to allow Governor Patrick’s to appoint a temporary successor, that there is so much opposition to the idea that it is killed outright. The Democratic Party should have to play this one by the rule they established in 2004. I personally think they will get the law changed anyway.

That is all for now here at Simple Man Politics, but we will be back again soon my friends CIAO4NOW!!!!!


Isn't it ridiculous how the dems always have double standards? It's incredible that they want to hold the republicans to one set of rules, and write a whole new set for themselves. As far as I'm concerned though...I guess it's just that Kennedy legacy going on.

September 1, 2009 at 1:22 AM  

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