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As we all know the healthcare reform debate is an often heated and emotional subject. Unfortunately the Democratic Party and its congressional representatives have resorted to front loading their town hall meetings with union thugs and their own supporters and not allowing protesters in. All of this in an effort to silence the opposition and deny any real debate from grass roots opponents.

The result of all of the Democrat’s attempts at deceiving the American people by staging these fake town hall meetings has been to incite even more unrest and opposition to their healthcare reform bill. These staged town halls have also been responsible for inciting violence as well, but not by the protesters as they Democrats would have you believe but rather by their union supporters most notably the SEIU.

I must tell you all that none of this is just my opinion either. Even though the mainstream media is doing everything they can to help Obama push his agenda, they cannot help but report some of this abuse against protesters of the healthcare bill by the unions. You don’t even have to take my word for it, because there is plenty of evidence of union violence on video just check out YouTube.

The truth of the matter is that there is really no way for the Democrats to sell this plan to the majority of the American people. So all the Democrats will do is pretend to have their supposed public town hall meetings. They will also tell their supporters in the media like Chris Matthews that all of their opposition is being staged by insurance companies, the Republicans, and right wing extremists. They will also say they need to pass the bill fast.

In the meantime the Democrats will continue to have their astroturfing supporters pack their town halls to give a good show for the media. They will also have their thug supporters like the SEIU union and ACORN attempt to intimidate as many protesters and weaken their opposition as possible before both houses of congress return from their month long summer break and attempt to pass this healthcare reform bill sham.

I don’t know about all of you, but we at Simple Man Politics do not support the Democrats attempt to silence free speech or public assembly and debate of the healthcare reform bill. There isn’t even any reason for them to pass this bill fast, because the bulk of the bill won’t even take effect until 2013. As far as those union thugs are concerned I believe there was a need for them 30 years ago, but not anymore.

I hope you all have a fantastic day and we will see you all again really soon, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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