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I would like to welcome you all back this Friday to Simple Man Politics. I know that I have been on kind of a tear lately with regard to Obamacare or the Healthcare Reform Bill if you prefer that term. Before I go any further though, I would like to state for the record that I am not against healthcare reform in some measure. However I am just against some of the measures in the healthcare reform bill and some of its supporters.

With regard to the healthcare reform bill itself I am against provisions in the bill like tax payer funded abortions, the end of life provision, and a single payer/public option all of which are in this bill. These are not all of the things that have me concerned, but they are enough for everyone to understand why I am against this healthcare reform bill. Make no mistake all of three of these things are in there in one form or another too.

Another big reason I am against this current piece of healthcare legislation is because of certain people in both houses of congress that support it. My reason for my lack of support in this area is because there are a couple of people in particular that I wouldn’t trust with the life of a bait worm let alone a human life. The most notable of these figures are House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and President Obama.

In my opinion when you put this barely read and not altogether understood healthcare reform bill together with the likes of Obama, Pelosi, Reid, and others of their ilk who support the bill, you have to worry how badly the American people are going to get screwed this time. These are the same people who supported the stimulus bill, the budget bill, the bailouts, and TARP, which was G.W. Bushes. None of these things have done any good for the American people.

As far as I can determine the only people who have had any real benefit from any of this massive amount of governmental spending are those who are in power. The reason that I say those in power is because this is all about grabbing power for these people so look at the facts as of right now. As of now the current administration and both houses of congress control our financial institutions, automobile industry, mortgage industry, and Wall Street too so why not try to control an additional 1/7th of our economy as well.

I think it is time to put away this obvious attempt at resting more control away from the American people and come up with a piece of legislation that both sides can agree on. Then maybe the American people won’t be put in the position of performing meatball surgery to both houses of congress during the mid-term elections. Although if they want to fire Reid, Pelosi, Dodd, and Frank then we would be rid of those mostly responsible for the economic damage that we all have suffered from.

Well that’s it for this week at Simple Man Politics. I hope you all have a glorious weekend and I look forward to seeing you all gain next week, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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