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Protecting our country I am sure is a fulltime job, and I will bet that it isn’t an easy one either. I think that this is true considering the problems that President Clinton had doing so in his eight years in the white house. I am not being facetious in the least with this statement considering the terrorist attacks that had occurred on his watch and his only one time apparent response to these attacks as well.

Let’s take a look at the things that had happened to our country while President Clinton was in office too. We had the first World Trade Center bombing, which had happened on our own soil. There was the Khobar Towers attack in Saudi Arabia against our military personnel there as well as the USS Cole bombing in Yemen. We also had two US embassies attacked and bombed in Africa by Al Qaeda.

I am sure that after a long and intensive deliberation that a missile strike against an aspirin factory in the country of Sudan was an appropriate response for our President considering all of the attacks and subsequent deaths of American citizens that had occurred. I am also sure that having been offered custody of Bin Laden no less than three times and refusing them all was the right thing for our President to do too.

As a matter of international public record we all know what President Bush had to contend with after the 2000 election, which he won. He had to deal with the dreadful 4 pronged attack that occurred on September 11th, 2001 against the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and an almost hit on the White House that resulted in a commercial airliner going down in a field in Pennsylvania. In total more than 3000 American lives were lost

Along the way he also had to deal with a rogue criminal regime who threatened the world with WMD’s, (weapons of mass destruction) and the faulty intelligence from many sources around the world that had placed them there. Of course President Clinton had degraded our own intelligence services abilities to gather real time and excellent intelligence, but Saddam Hussein didn’t happen on his watch.

All during President Bush’s two terms in office he fought two wars. One against terrorism and a government who supported it in Afghanistan, and another against a rogue despotic regime that threatened its neighbors with unimaginable horrors and that had documented ties to terrorist groups. President Bush did everything that he could and thought necessary to fight these animals and protect our nation and people.

Of course now we have as our President Barack Hussein Obama who won the 2008 Presidential election handily. Since his election he has sought the closure of the Guantanamo Bay detention facility. He is also pursuing investigations and possible prosecutions of CIA personnel who had conducted interrogations that gave us excellent intelligence against the terrorists and stopped many more attacks against us both here and abroad.

Obama has also made overtures to rogue nations that support terrorism, such as Iran. He has also shown almost no support for Israel and its right to defend itself against the wolves that are at their door day in and day out. He even gave his first televised speech to a Muslim audience on their turf and in their press identifying himself as one of them. He also is losing the ground President Bush had gained in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Last but not least his domestic policies are a clear and present danger to our national security as well.

Now I will tell you that when it comes to the defense of our nation and people I want protection that we can believe in instead of just rhetoric. I don’t think that President Obama has given us anything else but rhetoric. As far as Bush goes you may or may not like him, but he took no B.S. from anyone when it came to defending this country from its enemies and did everything he thought necessary to kick butt. It is unfortunate for us though that he couldn’t defeat our enemies in congress like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

That is all from Simple Man Politics for this week, but I will be back next week with more. Have a great day and an awesome weekend my friends CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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