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I have to admit that I agree with President Obama and his administrations decision to boycott the UN Conference on Racism along with Germany, Australia, and Canada. However I do not think that we boycotted the conference for the reasons I think it was a good idea. Although I must say that in light of the opening remarks of the conference by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad I think the end justifies the means.

While I may not be able to speak for the reasons why three other nations boycotted the conference I do believe that I may be able to give you all some insight into why the United States did boycott the racism conference. I believe that the reason our government chose not to attend the conference is because of our current policy to extend the hand of friendship to Iran and open up diplomatic dialog with the rogue nation.

I and some of my acquaintances who are very politically active and knowledgeable feel that this was a wise and strategic decision made by the Obama administration to avoid a confrontation with the Persian nation. If we had had representation at the conference then we would have had to directly condemn Ahmadinejads remarks, which were almost certain to be inflammatory, and that would have hampered the Obama administrations ability cozy up to the radically Islamic nation.

I fell it was the right choice for the US to boycott the UN Conference on Racism simply because they chose Iran to give the opening speech at the conference. There is absolutely no good reason whatsoever to give Iran and Ahmadinejad a platform from which to espouse his hate filled rhetoric and psycho ideology to the world and give them any credibility. There is absolutely no doubt that this move was made by Ban Ki-moon to appease the UN body many of whom are like minded with Iran.

I think it was obvious from the beginning that as soon as Ahmadinejad took the podium that he was going to rant and rave against Israel. He proved me right with statements such as calling Israel the “most cruel and repressive regime”, called the holocaust a “pretext” for aggression, and “they resorted to military aggression to make an entire nation homeless under the pretext of Jewish suffering, they meaning the US and Europe.

At the first mention of Israel approximately forty diplomats left the conference room. There were also protesters there who accused Ahmadinejad and Iran of being racists and even threw red rubber clown noses at the Iranian president, which I personally found extremely funny. The clown disguises were in references to the two faces that Iran wears and what a joke the conference is. The only real tragedy of the UN Conference on Racism is that it and the travesty that marked it took place on the eve of Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.

For the record I don’t think that we are done with trying to placate and approaching those rogue and criminal regimes in the world that seem to be Obama’s favorite audiences now-a-days. If it kills us Obama is going to drag us kicking and screaming into dangerous and alliances with those in the world who want to hurt us and even destroy us. When that happens and it will we will have yet another 9/11 to bemoan, but the difference will be that we willing invited the enemy inside the walls and it will really be our governments fault for our suffering.

That is all I have to rant about for today. I hope you all have a terrific Tuesday my friends, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


I don't think anyone can ever take a conference serious when the lead off speaker is that idiot from Iran.

April 21, 2009 at 9:40 PM  

I'm definitely glad we boycotted that conference! I'm also proud of all the people who stood up and walked out when it got crazy. What stupidity this was.

April 22, 2009 at 10:26 AM  

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