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Hey ya’ll I’m back from my personal effort to bail out one of the Big three automakers and I have to tell you I was successful in my efforts to do my part. However now it is time to get down to what this blog is all about and that is political news reporting, and do I have a story for you today.

The current administration had reported that over 90% of all guns confiscated in the war between Mexico and the cartels originated in the US. However, it has since been discovered that this figure is not accurate according to ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) sources.

The actual truth of the matter is that the percentage of weapons traced to the US that are recovered in Mexico is only 17% of the total number of guns that reach Mexico. This is evidenced by the fact that a large number of weapons down there do not get sent to the US for tracing by the Mexican government because they are obviously not American weapons. It is true though that 90% of the traced weapons sent to the US for tracing are US weapons.

American weapons have serial numbers and manufacturer names that enable these weapons to be traced and those are the ones returned to the US for tracing. Weapons that do not have serial numbers or manufacturer names are not sent here to the US because those are not US weapons and may come from the black market or other nations in Central and South America.

The reason that this false information is so important at this time is because of its intent. The Obama administration had Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as well as US Attorney General Eric Holder present this information publicly in Mexico and here in the United States in an effort to set the stage for possible tighter gun control legislation.

This would be accomplished by convincing legislators and the general public that we are responsible for the violence in Mexico because we cannot control the flow of weapons between the US and Mexico. It seems however that this is also not the case has been supported by some sources in the Mexican government as well.

Although I agree that we are somewhat responsible for some of the trouble south of the border I also know that we are not responsible for all of it. I also know that this is just another lame attempt by our democratically controlled government to strip away our 2nd amendment rights.

That I all I have for today my friends. I hope you all have a great day and I will be back again tomorrow for the T.G.I.F. post, CIAO4NOW!!!!!


WOW I love the designer AK's where can I get one. Seriously though I really didn't have an faith in that 90% figure that our Sec State spouted out anyway.

April 2, 2009 at 3:22 PM  

I admit that as a nation we may be responsible for our appetite for drugs, but we are not responsible for those Mexican cartels who want the power and money that comes with being in the drug trade, nor are we responsible for their willingness to use violence to get that power.

April 3, 2009 at 5:42 PM  

Thanks. My opinion is not that important, since guns are far away from my life, yeah, I'm in China, where guns are seldom around us except on TV. But your article helps a lot in my preparation for a debate, whose motion is "This house would outlaw the personal possession of guns". U actually gave me a lot of inspiration... Many thanks...

April 6, 2009 at 6:23 AM  

Although we are not responsible for the acts of others, by making some drugs illegal here, we have created the power of the drug cartels. I know you have talked about legalizing drugs in the past. More than likely this would totally take the cartels out of business, helping with the violence on the border.

Of course Mexico has many other problems as well, which we will never be responsible for and that we will probably never be able to solve either.

April 7, 2009 at 4:35 PM  

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