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Defend America.....

Oh my God what else are they going to do to weaken our nation and its security? These idiots that were so blindly voted into office under the cover of change, nominated to positions of power under the banner of change, and appointed to positions of power under the mantle of change all have one thing in common they don’t know how to defend a nation let alone run one.

All they seem to want to do is to weaken our nation even further making us an easier target for attack sooner rather than never. The inside attacks against us run the gamut from the oval office and congress to the justice department and homeland security.

I can see our enemies readying themselves at our borders to attack and salivating at the possibility of sinking their teeth into the great bastion of democracy known as the United States and killing it. The thing that amazes me is that they have as allies our own government who are doing all that they can to assist them.

Obama is looking at ways to cut defense spending in order to pay for nationalized healthcare, education, and other social programs he supports. He just won an important battle in that arena by stopping the F-22 program, which would definitely make is the ultimate power in air superiority as well as employ 90,000 + people, now the project and the jobs are gone.

Eric Holder the US Attorney General is now investigating the possibility of prosecuting AG lawyers and those who had knowledge of enhanced interrogation techniques during the Bush administration. Obama had promised no prosecutions of these people would be pursued, which was of course a lie.

This is happening again all thanks to our President who released memos stating that these attorneys found the use of these techniques legal. This does not count the damage done from releasing these memos, which now gives our enemies a look at our game plan for extracting important information from uncooperative terrorists.

Obama is also going to close the Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility and attempt to bring these enemy combatants and terrorists to the continental United States. Further more he is going to have them tried in the US Federal Criminal Court System instead of by military tribunal.

All of this is dangerous to our citizenry because not only will they be within or national borders, but they will have Habeas Corpus rights and Geneva Convention protection when they are not even eligible for that protection because they are not members of a nationally recognized uniformed military.

Then there is of course our very own inept Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano. She has absolutely no idea how to even defend our borders or where exactly the dangers on our borders really are.

She is so stupid that she actually compared the US/Canadian border with the US/Mexican border stating that we needed to defend our northern border even more aggressively because that is where the 9/11 highjacker’s came into the US. That has been proven to be false by the way and it was established that the 9/11 terrorists all entered the US directly from over seas.

Further more she stated that our multi billion dollar southern border barrier that stretches from California to Texas could halt the cross border drugs and violence that is spilling over into our country from Mexico. What damn border barrier is she talking about, because we haven’t even built one quarter of it yet?

At this point I am trying to decide whether or not to brush up on my Spanish, or learn Farsi, or perhaps just do both. One thing appears almost certain to me if we manage to survive four years of an Obama administration and Democrat control of both houses of congress.

Once there is a conservative majority back in control of both of those branches of government it will take at least a generation of our citizens to recover from the damage that will be inflicted upon us. However I hope that the mid term elections partially rectify some of this problem including the deposing of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reed, Barney Frank, and Chris Dodd.

That is all I have to rant about for today my friends, but I will be back again tomorrow, have an awesome day and CIAO4NOW!!!!!


It is beginning to look more and more like the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to this time with the blood of patriots.

April 24, 2009 at 7:35 AM  

You are right bro America does need defending from our enemies within for sure. The Obama and Democratic party 4 year plan for us is going to be devastating.

April 24, 2009 at 7:36 AM  

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