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Tonight I was either privileged or tortured with another one of President Obama’s primetime national address depending on who you ask. While this evenings speech/Q&A was a little bit entertaining it never the less had less real substance in it than an empty test tube. I can only say one thing about this speech with any degree of certainty, and that is that he must think the American people are gullible and stupid.

In addition to the Obamacare/healthcare plan that Obama is currently trying to shove down the tax payer’s throat there was some attention paid to other issues as well. There was discussion in the Q&A about topics such as racism, TARP, stimulus, and the new budget bill. Throughout the Q&A Obama did an excellent job of deflecting his responsibility for the budget deficits or said that our worries were unnecessary.

Regarding his healthcare reform initiative he gave some great oratory supporting his view that he needed to reform healthcare and that only his way was the right way. He was also quick to point out that business as usual within the healthcare industry was unsatisfactory and had to change. He was also equally quick to point out that the sooner he got his bill through congress the better of we as a nation were going to be.

However throughout his entire speech and the subsequent Q&A he never answered any serious questions directly about what he was going to do or how healthcare reform was going to be accomplished. There were no hard facts at all about how this new public healthcare option was going to be paid for or how this would give patients and healthcare providers better options for patient healthcare.

As I had stated earlier he had talked about tonight such as finance reform, record deficit spending, and new banking regulations. The big problem here is he expects the American tax payer as well as congressmen, and senators to accept his opinion on healthcare as solid fact and swallow it like tripe. An even bigger problem with his healthcare proposal is that no one including himself has even read the damn thing.

I will agree that something has to be done about healthcare because it is enormously costly when you look at the cost of procedures, physician reimbursement, and insurance premiums. I will also tell you that I don’t think government bureaucrats being involved in the diagnosis or treatment process is the answer, which is what I also believe when it comes to the financial, investment, and auto industries.

I will also tell you that considering what I know about the Canadian and UK national healthcare programs that nationalized healthcare is the wrong answer. If you need proof closer to home than those of the Canadians and the UK just look at the public healthcare option in Massachusetts. That state has never ever been able to make it work without propping it up with a lot of state tax payer dollars.

From Simple Man Politics that is all for now. I hope you all have a wonderful night and I will see you all again soon CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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