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Well it appears that the democratic leadership in the House of Representatives has reached a deal with the moderate/conservative Bluedog arm of their party on the healthcare bill. Unfortunately for them there will be no vote on the bill before September of this year, which may kill the momentum they have already generated to pass this bill. However in my opinion this is not a bad thing for the country.

Just because there has been a deal to vote on the healthcare issue after the congressional summer break doesn’t guarantee passage of healthcare bill either. Not only are the Bluedog Democrats very unhappy and uneasy about key provisions in the bill, but almost to a man the GOP in both houses are apparently not going to support the bill at all. The cost of this proposal seems to be a problem for the GOP as well as the Bluedog’s too.

The result of all of this opposition to Obamacare has lead liberal Democrats in both houses to say that there can be no healthcare bill without Bluedog as well as GOP support. The reason for this sentiment is that when the bill fails miserably and no Republicans have voted for it as well as conservative Democrats the Democratic Party will be held solely responsible for the bills failure.

I also believe that the success of this bill or the lack thereof will have a direct response on the 2010 mid-term elections also. For the Dem’s this could be extremely catastrophic. The lower house has already pushed through it’s version of cap and trade and that bill is stuck in the Senate with no action on it. As a result the Dem’s in the lower house are worried that the same thing could happen to their healthcare proposal as well.

If the healthcare bill is stalled in the Senate like the cap and trade along with a failing economy and rising unemployment that the stimulus bill was supposed to fix then there could be a considerable shift of seats in both houses of congress to the right. The only good news for the Democrats on this subject is that the Republican brand is not yet been renovated and their approval rating is at about 28% currently, but that can change.

The only thing that could be more catastrophic for the Democratic Party than both cap and trade and healthcare being stalled is if both of those bills fail big time and the outlook becomes even direr to the American people before the mid-terms. Add to that the negative views of Democratic Party members such as Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Chris Dodd, Barney Frank, Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell, and NJ Governor Jon Corzine and it looks bleak for the Dem’s already.

As you all know though it will still be bad for the American people even if the Dem’s lose power in both houses in 2010. The reason being is that we will still be stuck with two more years of an Obama administration and its socialist agenda, along with the impossibly large government and deficits it has already created. Considering the current state of both parties I can only hope that the independent vote changes the balance of power in congress in 2010.

That is all for today from Simple Man Politics. I hope you all have a wonderful evening and a great Thursday. I will be back again soon my friends CIAO4NOW!!!!!


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